Now that pserver access is up I've checked out the rhlp-docs project for a quick peek.
Some things I noticed - the source for the rhl development guide isn't in there, I wanted to add a patch to mention pserver for anonymous access. Is there any possibility that this will be added?
Sure. I'll move the Developer's Guide and the Documentation Guide there tomorrow. Moving them and changing the CVS chapter to mention pserver has been on my list of things to do this week. I just haven't gotten to them yet. ;-)
Cheers, Tammy
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 08:51:06AM +0100, Paul Nasrat wrote:
Now that pserver access is up I've checked out the rhlp-docs project for a quick peek.
Some things I noticed - the source for the rhl development guide isn't in there, I wanted to add a patch to mention pserver for anonymous access. Is there any possibility that this will be added?