EPEL Helpers,
I'm running RHEL and I want to be able to run CAD tools from FEL. Following directions on the EPEL web page I downloaded an EPEL package as root, then installed all the FEL tools individually with, for instance:
# yum install alliance
About ¾ of the installations succeeded, but I'll ask about the failures another time. For the "successful" installations:
· What is the next step to add the programs to PATH and the man pages to MANPATH, and make myself the owner (rather than root) and make the executables executable so I can learn to run these tools?
· Is there a few commands to do this for me or do I need to write my own script or execute the steps one at a time for each tool?
· Are there more steps I'm missing beyond editing PATH and MANPATH, then doing a chown and chmod?
Thank you,
Bob Peruzzi