#16: xrootd major move to 4.
Reporter: smooge | Owner: epel-wranglers
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Package request | Version:
Keywords: |
Looked at this and it looks like old software which isn't backwards
compatible or long term supported.
1. bump to next version?
1. Move software to EPEL.fast when it occurs
EPEL gfal2-plugin-xrootd 0.3 for EL5 & EL6 ?

Carl Edquist edquist(a)cs.wisc.edu via lists.fedoraproject.org
6 Oct (3 days ago)

to epel-devel
We would like to use a version of gfal2-plugin-xrootd built against xrootd
4 for EL5 and EL6. Does anyone know if there are plans to build and
release version 0.3 (or 0.3.pre1) for EL5 & EL6?
(The version available in EL7 is built against xrootd 4, but EL5 & EL6 are
built against xrootd 3.)
More details:
It looks like the current version available in EPEL for EL5 & EL6 is
from May 2013. Since this version was built against xrootd 3, we're not
able to install it along with xrootd 4. Also, attempting to rebuild this
version (0.2.2-2) fails both against the latest version of gfal2 and
against xrootd 4.
But I see that there is a newer version 0.3.pre1-2 available for EL7:
It looks like this version addresses the build issues and we can rebuild
it in EL5 & EL6 against the latest gfal2 and xrootd 4.
I'm wondering if there are plans for EPEL to update to & release the new
version of gfal2-plugin-xrootd in EL5 & EL6 also (so we can get it
directly from EPEL). And if not, is this something EPEL would consider?
epel-devel mailing list
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/epel/ticket/16>
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux
Hi all,
I know I've been promising this for quite some time to several people, so I finally managed to put together a proposal for packaging Python 3 in EPEL 7 (it'd also scale to EPEL 6 for that matter).
I've created a wiki page [1] with the proposal and I'd like to hear comments and thoughts on it. There are some TODOs and variants in few places - I'd like to hear your opinions on these, or perhaps suggestions on better approaches.
I'll create new documents with the updated proposal at some points during the discussion, so that people can easily see where the proposal is going without having to compare wiki revisions.
Is there any other list/interested parties that should be put in CC of this mail? If so, please feel free to respond and do that yourself.
Slavek Kabrda
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bkabrda/EPEL7_Python3
#26: EPEL should enforce erratum title length
Reporter: stbenjam | Owner: epel-wranglers
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: critical | Milestone:
Component: Policy problem | Version:
Keywords: errata |
There are errata in both EPEL6 and EPEL6 that have very long erratum
titles (basically the entire package list). This causes issues with
Katello (www.katello.org) as we only alot 255 varchar to the title:
PGError: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255) : UPDATE
"katello_errata" SET "title" = 'trytond-account-1.8.0-3.el6,trytond-
Pulp also encounters similar issues for some errata, where the name is too
long for Mongo:
Dec 17 12:03:14 satellite pulp: nectar.downloaders.threaded:ERROR:
Download of http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6Server/x86_64/treeinfo
failed with code 404: Not Found
Dec 17 12:03:15 satellite pulp: pulp.plugins.conduits.mixins:ERROR:
Content unit association failed [Unit [key={'id': 'FEDORA-
EPEL-2014-3700'}] [type=erratum] [id=None]]
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/epel/ticket/26>
EPEL <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux
The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
984 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5620/bugzilla-3.4.…
202 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-1616/puppet-2.7.26…
73 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3434/pylint-1.3.1-…
48 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4008/cross-binutil…
37 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4242/facter-1.6.18…
25 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4485/python-tornad…
17 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4669/libhtp-0.5.16…
17 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4693/denyhosts-2.6…
14 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4737/docker-io-1.4…
14 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4729/ettercap-0.7.…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4766/mediawiki119-…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4773/unrtf-0.21.7-…
11 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4807/libssh-0.5.5-…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4829/roundcubemail…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4850/glpi-…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4624/xrdp-0.6.1-2.…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4884/mapserver-6.0…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4918/dokuwiki-0-0.…
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
drupal7-module_filter-2.0-0.1.alpha2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4958)
Module filter gives the ability to quickly find the module
Update Information:
- The modules list page can become quite big when dealing with a fairly large site or even just a dev site meant for testing new and various modules being considered. What this module aims to accomplish is the ability to quickly find the module you are looking for without having to rely on the browsers search feature which more times than not shows you the module name in the 'Required by' or 'Depends on' sections of the various modules or even some other location on the page like a menu item.
[ 1 ] Bug #1102297 - Review Request: drupal7-module_filter - Module filter gives the ability to quickly find the module
drupal7-panels-3.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4976)
It allows a site administrator to create customized layouts
Update Information:
- The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses. At its core it is a drag and drop content manager that lets you visually design a layout and place content within that layout. Integration with other systems allows you to create nodes that use this, landing pages that use this, and even override system pages such as taxonomy and the node page so that you can customize the layout of your site with very fine grained permissions.
[ 1 ] Bug #1101308 - Review Request: drupal7-panels - The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts
nodejs-duplexify-3.2.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4948)
Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176811 - Review Request: nodejs-duplexify - Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
nodejs-event-stream-3.1.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4964)
Construct pipes of streams of events
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172968 - Review Request: nodejs-event-stream - Construct pipes of streams of events
nodejs-follow-0.11.4-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4969)
Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172976 - Review Request: nodejs-follow - Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
nodejs-nano-6.0.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4952)
Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172977 - Review Request: nodejs-nano - Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js
nodejs-npm-stats-1.1.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4951)
Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1173203 - Review Request: nodejs-npm-stats - Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
nodejs-package-info-2.0.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4959)
Get the information of a npm package
Update Information:
Update to 2.0.0
[ 1 ] Bug #1171238 - Review Request: nodejs-package-info - Get the information of a npm package
nodejs-stream-spigot-3.0.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4955)
Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1177463 - Review Request: nodejs-stream-spigot - Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
nodejs-through2-0.6.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4953)
Node streams2 Transform wrapper to avoid explicit subclassing noise
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176808 - Review Request: nodejs-through2 - A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise
nodejs-typedarray-0.0.6-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4957)
TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176807 - Review Request: nodejs-typedarray - TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
php-horde-Horde-Core-2.18.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde Core Framework libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.18.0-1
- Update to 2.18.0
php-horde-Horde-Crypt-2.5.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde Cryptography API
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.2-1
- Update to 2.5.2
php-horde-Horde-Http-2.1.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde HTTP libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.2-1
- Update to 2.1.2
- enable test suite
php-horde-Horde-Mime-2.6.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde MIME Library
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.6.1-1
- Update to 2.6.1
php-horde-Horde-Prefs-2.7.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde Preferences API
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.1-1
- Update to 2.7.1
- raise dependency on Horde_Translation >= 2.2.0
php-horde-Horde-Test-2.4.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde testing base classes
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.4.7-1
- Update to 2.4.7
php-horde-Horde-Util-2.5.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4979)
Horde Utility Libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.2-1
- Update to 2.5.2
pidgin-sipe-1.18.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4975)
Pidgin protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator
Update Information:
New upstream release:\r\n* adds support for EWS Autodiscover redirection\r\n* fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference\r\n* fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs\r\n* fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu\r\n* fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE\r\n* fixes joining of conference for some users\r\n* fixes conference call ending in error message\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* UCS now honors email URL set by user\r\n* fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions\r\n* fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0\r\n* fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ\r\n* fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting\r\n* fixes some memory leaks\r\n* fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"\r\n* fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.5-1
- update to 1.18.5:
- fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"
- fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Sat Oct 18 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.4-1
- update to 1.18.4:
- fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ
- fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes
didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting
- fixes some memory leaks
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.3-1
- update to 1.18.3:
- fixes audio/video call if host has IPv6 address (bz #1124510)
- fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions
- fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0
* Sat Jun 7 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.2-1
- update to 1.18.2:
- fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE
- fixes joining of conference for some users
- fixes conference call ending in error message
- fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users
- UCS now honors email URL set by user
* Sat Apr 12 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.1-1
- update to 1.18.1:
- fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference
- fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs
- fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication
- fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users
- fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu
* Sat Jan 11 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.0-1
- update to 1.18.0:
- added support for EWS Autodiscover redirection
python-rosinstall-0.7.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4978)
ROS installation utilities
Update Information:
Update to release 0.7.4
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Rich Mattes <richmattes(a)gmail.com> - 0.7.4-1
- Update to release 0.7.4
* Mon Jun 30 2014 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio(a)fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.3-3
- Replace python-setuptools-devel BR with python-setuptools
python-rospkg-1.0.33-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4962)
Utilities for ROS package, stack, and distribution information
Update Information:
Update to release 1.0.33
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Rich Mattes <richmattes(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.33-1
- Update to release 1.0.33
- Remove upstreamed patch
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
64 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3621/php-Smarty-3.…
48 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3989/cross-binutil…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4765/unrtf-0.21.7-…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4757/mingw-jasper-…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4759/rabbitmq-serv…
11 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4800/libssh-0.6.4-…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4830/roundcubemail…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4868/glpi-0.84.8-3…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4904/mingw-freetyp…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4892/mingw-libxml2…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4910/mingw-dbus-1.…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4895/mingw-openssl…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4883/mingw-libjpeg…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4906/mingw-curl-7.…
7 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4901/mingw-binutil…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4916/mingw-pcre-8.…
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
dokuwiki-0-0.23.20140929b.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4968)
Standards compliant simple to use wiki
Update Information:
This update adds dokuwiki package to EPEL7
[ 1 ] Bug #1164394 - Add dokuwiki to epel7
drupal7-module_filter-2.0-0.1.alpha2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4961)
Module filter gives the ability to quickly find the module
Update Information:
- The modules list page can become quite big when dealing with a fairly large site or even just a dev site meant for testing new and various modules being considered. What this module aims to accomplish is the ability to quickly find the module you are looking for without having to rely on the browsers search feature which more times than not shows you the module name in the 'Required by' or 'Depends on' sections of the various modules or even some other location on the page like a menu item.
[ 1 ] Bug #1102297 - Review Request: drupal7-module_filter - Module filter gives the ability to quickly find the module
drupal7-panels-3.4-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4963)
It allows a site administrator to create customized layouts
Update Information:
- The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses. At its core it is a drag and drop content manager that lets you visually design a layout and place content within that layout. Integration with other systems allows you to create nodes that use this, landing pages that use this, and even override system pages such as taxonomy and the node page so that you can customize the layout of your site with very fine grained permissions.
[ 1 ] Bug #1101308 - Review Request: drupal7-panels - The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts
fldigi-3.22.04-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4915)
Digital modem program for Linux
Update Information:
flrig - Version 1.3.19 * maintenance release\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n * improve xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n - require 5 consecutive connect errors before closing and\\r\\nreopening connection\\r\\n\\r\\n Kenwood transceivers\\r\\n * Changed use of sendCommand function to wait_char function when\\r\\nappropriate\\r\\n\\r\\n TS450S\\r\\n * wait_char(...) substituted for waitN in backend\\r\\n * added read bandwidth values before setting.\\r\\n - 8.33 MHz filter value never changed\\r\\n - 455 kHz filter value iaw with UI\\r\\n\\r\\n Transceiver timeout\\r\\n * Restored timout to sendCommand even if nread is zero\\r\\n\\r\\n Scripts\\r\\n * removed binary build from builddist.sh\\r\\n\\r\\n Yaesu\\r\\n * Changed get query to use waitN(...)\\r\\n\\r\\nfldigi - Version 3.22.04 * maintenance release\\r\\n - quick fix for main window title issue\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc\\r\\n * fix for xmlrpc transceiver naming\\nVersion 3.22.03 * maintenance release\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * changed all berlios lists references to source forge\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW xmt filter\\\\r\\\\n - Added user selectable Windowed-sinc transmit bandpass filter. \\\\r\\\\n - Useful for tuning transmit sound at QRQ operating speeds.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW configuration\\\\r\\\\n - updated documentation for the new bandpass transmit shaping\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * DTMF\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected dtmf command execution within trx tx loop\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * FFT filter\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected initialization of fft filter.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * ARQ/KISS IO state conflict\\\\r\\\\n - Ensure all state flags reflect selected mode.\\\\r\\\\n - Toggle IO mode in software.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Window title\\\\r\\\\n - changed to append vice replace window title with transceiver name\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Xmt Audio Stream\\\\r\\\\n - Restored MT63 output power\\\\r\\\\n - Modified output audio stream processing to prevent audio codec roll over\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * RX Text\\\\r\\\\n - reject Mousewheel (3rd mouse button) closure when in Rx text panel\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n - compatibility fixes for OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOGGER EXPORT\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected struct position of log field 'QSL_VIA'\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Documentation\\\\r\\\\n - Removed references to Precompiled Binaries\\\\r\\\\n - Added illustration of command line parameters\\\\r\\\\n . on Win8.1\\\\r\\\\n . on Mint UI launcher properties\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOG lookup\\\\r\\\\n - Changed debug level to VERBOSE; easier to see response without DEBUG clutter\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Lion/Yosemite madness\\\\r\\\\n - OS-X changed allowable application behavior after user presses the Red-X \\\\r\\\\n "I'm outta here" button. Fix to prevent system uncaught exception behavior.
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 3.22.04-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
* Thu Dec 25 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 3.22.03-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
* Mon Dec 1 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 3.22.02-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
flrig-1.3.19-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4915)
Transceiver control program
Update Information:
flrig - Version 1.3.19 * maintenance release\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n * improve xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n - require 5 consecutive connect errors before closing and\\r\\nreopening connection\\r\\n\\r\\n Kenwood transceivers\\r\\n * Changed use of sendCommand function to wait_char function when\\r\\nappropriate\\r\\n\\r\\n TS450S\\r\\n * wait_char(...) substituted for waitN in backend\\r\\n * added read bandwidth values before setting.\\r\\n - 8.33 MHz filter value never changed\\r\\n - 455 kHz filter value iaw with UI\\r\\n\\r\\n Transceiver timeout\\r\\n * Restored timout to sendCommand even if nread is zero\\r\\n\\r\\n Scripts\\r\\n * removed binary build from builddist.sh\\r\\n\\r\\n Yaesu\\r\\n * Changed get query to use waitN(...)\\r\\n\\r\\nfldigi - Version 3.22.04 * maintenance release\\r\\n - quick fix for main window title issue\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc\\r\\n * fix for xmlrpc transceiver naming\\nVersion 3.22.03 * maintenance release\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * changed all berlios lists references to source forge\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW xmt filter\\\\r\\\\n - Added user selectable Windowed-sinc transmit bandpass filter. \\\\r\\\\n - Useful for tuning transmit sound at QRQ operating speeds.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW configuration\\\\r\\\\n - updated documentation for the new bandpass transmit shaping\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * DTMF\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected dtmf command execution within trx tx loop\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * FFT filter\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected initialization of fft filter.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * ARQ/KISS IO state conflict\\\\r\\\\n - Ensure all state flags reflect selected mode.\\\\r\\\\n - Toggle IO mode in software.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Window title\\\\r\\\\n - changed to append vice replace window title with transceiver name\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Xmt Audio Stream\\\\r\\\\n - Restored MT63 output power\\\\r\\\\n - Modified output audio stream processing to prevent audio codec roll over\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * RX Text\\\\r\\\\n - reject Mousewheel (3rd mouse button) closure when in Rx text panel\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n - compatibility fixes for OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOGGER EXPORT\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected struct position of log field 'QSL_VIA'\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Documentation\\\\r\\\\n - Removed references to Precompiled Binaries\\\\r\\\\n - Added illustration of command line parameters\\\\r\\\\n . on Win8.1\\\\r\\\\n . on Mint UI launcher properties\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOG lookup\\\\r\\\\n - Changed debug level to VERBOSE; easier to see response without DEBUG clutter\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Lion/Yosemite madness\\\\r\\\\n - OS-X changed allowable application behavior after user presses the Red-X \\\\r\\\\n "I'm outta here" button. Fix to prevent system uncaught exception behavior.
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 1.3.19-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
libgda-5.1.2-2.el7.1 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4954)
Library for writing gnome database programs
Update Information:
Add libgda to EPEL 7
nodejs-duplexify-3.2.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4980)
Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176811 - Review Request: nodejs-duplexify - Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
nodejs-event-stream-3.1.7-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4973)
Construct pipes of streams of events
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172968 - Review Request: nodejs-event-stream - Construct pipes of streams of events
nodejs-follow-0.11.4-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4950)
Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172976 - Review Request: nodejs-follow - Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
nodejs-nano-6.0.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4977)
Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1172977 - Review Request: nodejs-nano - Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js
nodejs-npm-stats-1.1.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4949)
Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1173203 - Review Request: nodejs-npm-stats - Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
nodejs-package-info-2.0.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4965)
Get the information of a npm package
Update Information:
Update to 2.0.0
[ 1 ] Bug #1171238 - Review Request: nodejs-package-info - Get the information of a npm package
nodejs-stream-spigot-3.0.4-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4967)
Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1177463 - Review Request: nodejs-stream-spigot - Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
nodejs-through2-0.6.3-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4971)
Node streams2 Transform wrapper to avoid explicit subclassing noise
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176808 - Review Request: nodejs-through2 - A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise
nodejs-typedarray-0.0.6-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4956)
TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
Update Information:
Initial packaging
[ 1 ] Bug #1176807 - Review Request: nodejs-typedarray - TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
perl-RPC-XML-0.78-3.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4915)
Set of classes for core data, message and XML handling
Update Information:
flrig - Version 1.3.19 * maintenance release\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n * improve xmlrpc error handling\\r\\n - require 5 consecutive connect errors before closing and\\r\\nreopening connection\\r\\n\\r\\n Kenwood transceivers\\r\\n * Changed use of sendCommand function to wait_char function when\\r\\nappropriate\\r\\n\\r\\n TS450S\\r\\n * wait_char(...) substituted for waitN in backend\\r\\n * added read bandwidth values before setting.\\r\\n - 8.33 MHz filter value never changed\\r\\n - 455 kHz filter value iaw with UI\\r\\n\\r\\n Transceiver timeout\\r\\n * Restored timout to sendCommand even if nread is zero\\r\\n\\r\\n Scripts\\r\\n * removed binary build from builddist.sh\\r\\n\\r\\n Yaesu\\r\\n * Changed get query to use waitN(...)\\r\\n\\r\\nfldigi - Version 3.22.04 * maintenance release\\r\\n - quick fix for main window title issue\\r\\n\\r\\n xmlrpc\\r\\n * fix for xmlrpc transceiver naming\\nVersion 3.22.03 * maintenance release\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * changed all berlios lists references to source forge\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW xmt filter\\\\r\\\\n - Added user selectable Windowed-sinc transmit bandpass filter. \\\\r\\\\n - Useful for tuning transmit sound at QRQ operating speeds.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * CW configuration\\\\r\\\\n - updated documentation for the new bandpass transmit shaping\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * DTMF\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected dtmf command execution within trx tx loop\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * FFT filter\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected initialization of fft filter.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * ARQ/KISS IO state conflict\\\\r\\\\n - Ensure all state flags reflect selected mode.\\\\r\\\\n - Toggle IO mode in software.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Window title\\\\r\\\\n - changed to append vice replace window title with transceiver name\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Xmt Audio Stream\\\\r\\\\n - Restored MT63 output power\\\\r\\\\n - Modified output audio stream processing to prevent audio codec roll over\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * RX Text\\\\r\\\\n - reject Mousewheel (3rd mouse button) closure when in Rx text panel\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n - compatibility fixes for OpenBSD\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOGGER EXPORT\\\\r\\\\n - Corrected struct position of log field 'QSL_VIA'\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Documentation\\\\r\\\\n - Removed references to Precompiled Binaries\\\\r\\\\n - Added illustration of command line parameters\\\\r\\\\n . on Win8.1\\\\r\\\\n . on Mint UI launcher properties\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * LOG lookup\\\\r\\\\n - Changed debug level to VERBOSE; easier to see response without DEBUG clutter\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n * Lion/Yosemite madness\\\\r\\\\n - OS-X changed allowable application behavior after user presses the Red-X \\\\r\\\\n "I'm outta here" button. Fix to prevent system uncaught exception behavior.
php-horde-Horde-Core-2.18.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde Core Framework libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.18.0-1
- Update to 2.18.0
php-horde-Horde-Crypt-2.5.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde Cryptography API
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.2-1
- Update to 2.5.2
php-horde-Horde-Http-2.1.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde HTTP libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.2-1
- Update to 2.1.2
- enable test suite
php-horde-Horde-Mime-2.6.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde MIME Library
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.6.1-1
- Update to 2.6.1
php-horde-Horde-Prefs-2.7.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde Preferences API
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.1-1
- Update to 2.7.1
- raise dependency on Horde_Translation >= 2.2.0
php-horde-Horde-Test-2.4.7-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde testing base classes
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.4.7-1
- Update to 2.4.7
php-horde-Horde-Util-2.5.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4960)
Horde Utility Libraries
Update Information:
Horde_Core 2.18.0\r\n* [jan] Call preference hooks for default values of new identities.\r\n* [mms] Only load application notify handlers on demand.\r\n\r\nHorde_Crypt 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix parsing GPG packet information using the gnupg v2.1 binary.\r\n\r\nHorde_Mime 2.6.1\r\n* [jan] Fix Horde_Mime::quotedPrintableEncode() (Bug #13769).\r\n\r\nHorde_Prefs 2.7.1\r\n* [mms] Fix Horde_Prefs#isDefault() to return true if the given pref name doesn't exist in a scope.\r\n\r\nHorde_Test 2.4.7\r\n* [jan] Add remoteHost() to Horde_Test_Stub_Registry.\r\n\r\nHorde_Util 2.5.2\r\n* [mms] Fix deleting multi-level temporary directories in Horde_Util::deleteAtShutdown().\r\n\r\nHorde_Http 2.1.2\r\n* [mms] Horde_Http_Base_Response#getHeader() is now case-insensitive for the header input (Bug #13736).\r\n
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Remi Collet <remi(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.5.2-1
- Update to 2.5.2
pidgin-sipe-1.18.5-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4966)
Pidgin protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator
Update Information:
New upstream release:\r\n* adds support for EWS Autodiscover redirection\r\n* fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference\r\n* fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs\r\n* fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu\r\n* fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE\r\n* fixes joining of conference for some users\r\n* fixes conference call ending in error message\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* UCS now honors email URL set by user\r\n* fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions\r\n* fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0\r\n* fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ\r\n* fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting\r\n* fixes some memory leaks\r\n* fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"\r\n* fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.5-1
- update to 1.18.5:
- fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"
- fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Sat Oct 18 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.4-1
- update to 1.18.4:
- fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ
- fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes
didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting
- fixes some memory leaks
python-rosinstall-0.7.4-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4972)
ROS installation utilities
Update Information:
Update to release 0.7.4
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Rich Mattes <richmattes(a)gmail.com> - 0.7.4-1
- Update to release 0.7.4
* Mon Jun 30 2014 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio(a)fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.3-3
- Replace python-setuptools-devel BR with python-setuptools
python-rospkg-1.0.33-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4970)
Utilities for ROS package, stack, and distribution information
Update Information:
Update to release 1.0.33
* Tue Dec 30 2014 Rich Mattes <richmattes(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.33-1
- Update to release 1.0.33
- Remove upstreamed patch
The following Fedora EPEL 5 Security updates need testing:
984 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5630/bugzilla-3.2.…
438 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-11893/libguestfs-1…
202 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-1626/puppet-2.7.26…
56 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3784/mantis-1.2.17…
52 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3849/sblim-sfcb-1.…
19 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4430/phpMyAdmin4-4…
17 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4674/denyhosts-2.6…
14 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4743/ettercap-0.7.…
11 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4803/libssh-0.5.5-…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4527/xrdp-0.6.1-2.…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4867/glpi-…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4917/dokuwiki-0-0.…
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 5 updates-testing
Details about builds:
pidgin-sipe-1.18.5-1.el5 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4974)
Pidgin protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator
Update Information:
New upstream release:\r\n* adds support for EWS Autodiscover redirection\r\n* fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference\r\n* fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs\r\n* fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu\r\n* fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE\r\n* fixes joining of conference for some users\r\n* fixes conference call ending in error message\r\n* fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users\r\n* UCS now honors email URL set by user\r\n* fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions\r\n* fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0\r\n* fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ\r\n* fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting\r\n* fixes some memory leaks\r\n* fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"\r\n* fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Mon Dec 29 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.5-1
- update to 1.18.5:
- fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away"
- fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ
* Sat Oct 18 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.4-1
- update to 1.18.4:
- fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ
- fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes
didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting
- fixes some memory leaks
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.3-1
- update to 1.18.3:
- fixes audio/video call if host has IPv6 address (bz #1124510)
- fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions
- fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0
* Sat Jun 7 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.2-1
- update to 1.18.2:
- fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE
- fixes joining of conference for some users
- fixes conference call ending in error message
- fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users
- UCS now honors email URL set by user
* Sat Apr 12 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.1-1
- update to 1.18.1:
- fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference
- fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs
- fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication
- fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users
- fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu
* Sat Jan 11 2014 Stefan Becker <chemobejk(a)gmail.com> - 1.18.0-1
- update to 1.18.0:
- added support for EWS Autodiscover redirection
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
62 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3621/php-Smarty-3.…
46 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3989/cross-binutil…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4765/unrtf-0.21.7-…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4757/mingw-jasper-…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4759/rabbitmq-serv…
9 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4800/libssh-0.6.4-…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4830/roundcubemail…
6 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4868/glpi-0.84.8-3…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4904/mingw-freetyp…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4892/mingw-libxml2…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4910/mingw-dbus-1.…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4895/mingw-openssl…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4906/mingw-curl-7.…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4883/mingw-libjpeg…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4901/mingw-binutil…
2 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4916/mingw-pcre-8.…
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
php-aws-sdk-2.7.12-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4947)
Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
Update Information:
## 2.7.12 - 2014-12-18\r\n\r\n* Added support for task priorities to Amazon Simple Workflow Service.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.11 - 2014-12-17\r\n\r\n* Updated Amazon EMR to the latest API version.\r\n* Added support for for the new ResetCache API operation to AWS Storage Gateway.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.10 - 2014-12-12\r\n\r\n* Added support for user data to Amazon Elastic Transcoder.\r\n* Added support for data retrieval policies and audit logging to the Amazon Glacier client.\r\n* Corrected the AWS Security Token Service endpoint.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.9 - 2014-12-08\r\n\r\n* The Amazon Simple Queue Service client adds support for the PurgeQueue operation.\r\n* You can now use AWS OpsWorks with existing EC2 instances and on-premises servers.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.8 - 2014-12-04\r\n\r\n* Added support for the `PutRecords` batch operation to `KinesisClient`.\r\n* Added support for the `GetAccountAuthorizationDetails` operation to the `IamClient`.\r\n* Added support for the `UpdateHostedZoneComment` operation to `Route53Client`.\r\n* Added iterators for `ListEventSources` and `ListFunctions` operations the `LambdaClient`.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.7 - 2014-11-25\r\n\r\n* Added a DynamoDB `Marshaler` class, that allows you to marshal JSON documents or native PHP arrays to the format that DynamoDB requires. You can also unmarshal item data from operation results back into JSON documents or native PHP arrays.\r\n* Added support for media file encryption to Amazon Elastic Transcoder.\r\n* Removing a few superfluous `x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id` from the Amazon S3 model.\r\n* Added support for using AWS Data Pipeline templates to create pipelines and bind values to parameters in the pipeline.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.6 - 2014-11-20\r\n\r\n* Added support for AWS KMS integration to the Amazon Redshift Client.\r\n* Fixed cn-north-1 endpoint for AWS Identity and Access Management.\r\n* Updated `S3Client::getBucketLocation` method to work cross-region regardless of the region's signature requirements.\r\n* Fixed an issue with the DynamoDbClient that allows it to work better with with DynamoDB Local.
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.7.12-1
- Updated to 2.7.12 (BZ #1171050)
[ 1 ] Bug #1171050 - php-aws-sdk-2.7.12 is available
php-doctrine-annotations-1.2.3-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4944)
PHP docblock annotations parser library
Update Information:
## V1.2.3\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #49: #46 - applying correct chmod() to generated cache file\r\n* Pull Request #50: Hotfix: match escaped quotes (revert #44)\r\n\r\n## v1.2.2\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #43: Exclude files from distribution with .gitattributes\r\n* Pull Request #44: Prevent stack overflows in preg_split in the lexer\r\n* Pull Request #46: A plain "file_put_contents" can cause havoc\r\n* Pull Request #48: Deprecating the FileCacheReader in 1.2.2: will be removed in 2.0.0
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 1.2.3-1
- Updated to 1.2.3 (BZ #1176942)
[ 1 ] Bug #1176942 - php-doctrine-annotations-1.2.3 is available
php-doctrine-inflector-1.0.1-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4943)
Common string manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules
Update Information:
## v1.0.1\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #1: Corrected keyword spelling\r\n* Pull Request #2: Documentation fixes\r\n* Pull Request #3: Added the branch alias for master\r\n* Pull Request #4: Fixed typo\r\n* Pull Request #5: exclude word 'staff' from inflectable ones\r\n* Pull Request #6: add LICENSE file\r\n* Pull Request #7: HHVM is not allowed to fail anymore. Inflector should work as expected\r\n* Pull Request #10: Added the local phpunit config to the ignore list\r\n* Pull Request #12: Adding 'human' to the irregular array\r\n* Pull Request #14: Add testing on PHP 5.6 on Travis
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.1-2
- %license usage
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.1-1
- Updated to 1.0.1 (BZ #1176943)
[ 1 ] Bug #1176943 - php-doctrine-inflector-1.0.1 is available
php-doctrine-orm-2.4.7-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4946)
Doctrine Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM)
Update Information:
## 2.4.7\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #925: DDC-2310 DDC-2675 - Fix SQL generation on table lock hint capable platforms DDC-2310 DDC-2675\r\n* Pull Request #1191: DDC-3409 DDC-2846 - Documenting interface methods (based on entity manager) DDC-3409 DDC-2846\r\n* Pull Request #1188: DDC-3404 - Fixed Paginator parameter counting exception DDC-3404\r\n* Pull Request #1210: DDC-3336 - Undefined property: Doctrine\\ORM\\Query\\AST\\SimpleArithmeticExpression::$field DDC-3336\r\n* Pull Request #1211: DDC-3434 - Paginator ignores HIDDEN fields in ORDER BY query DDC-3434\r\n* Pull Request #1202: DDC-3425 - Checks key exists rather than isset - allow null values in column options DDC-3425
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.4.7-1
- Updated to 2.4.7 (BZ #1175217)
- %license usage
* Mon Nov 3 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.4.6-2
- Ensure 512M of memory (instead of default 128M) so mock x86_64
builds pass (BZ #1159650)
[ 1 ] Bug #1175217 - php-doctrine-orm-2.4.7 is available
The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
981 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5620/bugzilla-3.4.…
200 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-1616/puppet-2.7.26…
71 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3434/pylint-1.3.1-…
46 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4008/cross-binutil…
34 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4242/facter-1.6.18…
23 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4485/python-tornad…
14 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4669/libhtp-0.5.16…
14 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4693/denyhosts-2.6…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4737/docker-io-1.4…
12 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4729/ettercap-0.7.…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4766/mediawiki119-…
10 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4773/unrtf-0.21.7-…
9 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4807/libssh-0.5.5-…
8 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4829/roundcubemail…
6 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4850/glpi-…
6 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4624/xrdp-0.6.1-2.…
5 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4884/mapserver-6.0…
2 https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4918/dokuwiki-0-0.…
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
librepo-1.7.11-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4942)
Repodata downloading library
Update Information:
Librepo package
php-aws-sdk-2.7.12-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4941)
Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
Update Information:
## 2.7.12 - 2014-12-18\r\n\r\n* Added support for task priorities to Amazon Simple Workflow Service.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.11 - 2014-12-17\r\n\r\n* Updated Amazon EMR to the latest API version.\r\n* Added support for for the new ResetCache API operation to AWS Storage Gateway.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.10 - 2014-12-12\r\n\r\n* Added support for user data to Amazon Elastic Transcoder.\r\n* Added support for data retrieval policies and audit logging to the Amazon Glacier client.\r\n* Corrected the AWS Security Token Service endpoint.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.9 - 2014-12-08\r\n\r\n* The Amazon Simple Queue Service client adds support for the PurgeQueue operation.\r\n* You can now use AWS OpsWorks with existing EC2 instances and on-premises servers.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.8 - 2014-12-04\r\n\r\n* Added support for the `PutRecords` batch operation to `KinesisClient`.\r\n* Added support for the `GetAccountAuthorizationDetails` operation to the `IamClient`.\r\n* Added support for the `UpdateHostedZoneComment` operation to `Route53Client`.\r\n* Added iterators for `ListEventSources` and `ListFunctions` operations the `LambdaClient`.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.7 - 2014-11-25\r\n\r\n* Added a DynamoDB `Marshaler` class, that allows you to marshal JSON documents or native PHP arrays to the format that DynamoDB requires. You can also unmarshal item data from operation results back into JSON documents or native PHP arrays.\r\n* Added support for media file encryption to Amazon Elastic Transcoder.\r\n* Removing a few superfluous `x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id` from the Amazon S3 model.\r\n* Added support for using AWS Data Pipeline templates to create pipelines and bind values to parameters in the pipeline.\r\n\r\n## 2.7.6 - 2014-11-20\r\n\r\n* Added support for AWS KMS integration to the Amazon Redshift Client.\r\n* Fixed cn-north-1 endpoint for AWS Identity and Access Management.\r\n* Updated `S3Client::getBucketLocation` method to work cross-region regardless of the region's signature requirements.\r\n* Fixed an issue with the DynamoDbClient that allows it to work better with with DynamoDB Local.
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.7.12-1
- Updated to 2.7.12 (BZ #1171050)
[ 1 ] Bug #1171050 - php-aws-sdk-2.7.12 is available
php-doctrine-inflector-1.0.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4945)
Common string manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules
Update Information:
## v1.0.1\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #1: Corrected keyword spelling\r\n* Pull Request #2: Documentation fixes\r\n* Pull Request #3: Added the branch alias for master\r\n* Pull Request #4: Fixed typo\r\n* Pull Request #5: exclude word 'staff' from inflectable ones\r\n* Pull Request #6: add LICENSE file\r\n* Pull Request #7: HHVM is not allowed to fail anymore. Inflector should work as expected\r\n* Pull Request #10: Added the local phpunit config to the ignore list\r\n* Pull Request #12: Adding 'human' to the irregular array\r\n* Pull Request #14: Add testing on PHP 5.6 on Travis
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.1-2
- %license usage
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 1.0.1-1
- Updated to 1.0.1 (BZ #1176943)
[ 1 ] Bug #1176943 - php-doctrine-inflector-1.0.1 is available
php-doctrine-orm-2.4.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2014-4940)
Doctrine Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM)
Update Information:
## 2.4.7\r\n\r\n* Pull Request #925: DDC-2310 DDC-2675 - Fix SQL generation on table lock hint capable platforms DDC-2310 DDC-2675\r\n* Pull Request #1191: DDC-3409 DDC-2846 - Documenting interface methods (based on entity manager) DDC-3409 DDC-2846\r\n* Pull Request #1188: DDC-3404 - Fixed Paginator parameter counting exception DDC-3404\r\n* Pull Request #1210: DDC-3336 - Undefined property: Doctrine\\ORM\\Query\\AST\\SimpleArithmeticExpression::$field DDC-3336\r\n* Pull Request #1211: DDC-3434 - Paginator ignores HIDDEN fields in ORDER BY query DDC-3434\r\n* Pull Request #1202: DDC-3425 - Checks key exists rather than isset - allow null values in column options DDC-3425
* Sun Dec 28 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.4.7-1
- Updated to 2.4.7 (BZ #1175217)
- %license usage
* Mon Nov 3 2014 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)gmail.com> - 2.4.6-2
- Ensure 512M of memory (instead of default 128M) so mock x86_64
builds pass (BZ #1159650)
[ 1 ] Bug #1175217 - php-doctrine-orm-2.4.7 is available