Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
EPSCo weekly meeting on 2015-09-04 from 17:00:00 to 18:00:00 UTC
At epel(a)
The meeting will be about:
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
294 cross-binutils-
178 dokuwiki-0-0.24.20140929c.el7
74 chicken-
20 zabbix20-2.0.15-1.el7
11 php-twig-1.20.0-1.el7
11 drupal7-7.39-1.el7
7 python-django-1.6.11-3.el7
3 php-guzzle-Guzzle-3.9.3-5.el7 php-ZendFramework2-2.4.7-2.el7
2 onionshare-0.7.1-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
dmlite-0.7.4-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7895)
Lcgdm grid data management and storage framework
Update Information:
New upstream release ---- Upstream release 0.7.3 Update to 0.7.2, BugFix for
too much verbose logging
fedfind-1.5.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7739)
Fedora Finder finds Fedora
Update Information:
This update provides the latest upstream fedfind release, 1.5.1. There have been
many significant changes since the last packaged release, 1.2. You can find full
details on the [upstream page]( Briefly,
fedfind's module has grown several new features for compose checking, and Koji
queries are now more efficient (and cached on the instance). fedfind will now
find more images and identify them more accurately. You can be somewhat sloppier
with `release`, `milestone` and `compose` parameters, both in `get_release()`
and in the CLI. There's a `wait()` method for waiting for a release to appear,
and some bugs in rsync usage were fixed. The update fixes the major bug in 1.2
where you could not use the CLI with a numeric release.
knot-1.6.5-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7893)
An authoritative DNS daemon
Update Information:
new upstream release
mate-power-manager-1.10.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7897)
MATE power management service
Update Information:
mate-power-manager-1.10.2-1.fc21 - update to 1.10.2 release mate-power-
manager-1.10.2-1.fc22 - update to 1.10.2 release mate-power-
manager-1.10.2-1.fc23 - update to 1.10.2 release mate-power-
manager-1.10.2-1.el7 - update to 1.10.2 release
mate-utils-1.10.3-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7898)
MATE utility programs
Update Information:
mate-utils-1.10.3-1.fc21 - update to 1.10.3 release mate-
utils-1.10.3-1.fc22 - update to 1.10.3 release mate-utils-1.10.3-1.el7 -
update to 1.10.3 release mate-utils-1.10.3-1.fc23 - update to 1.10.3 release
owncloud-8.0.7-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7905)
Private file sync and share server
Update Information:
This update provides the latest upstream stable update for ownCloud 8.0, 8.0.7.
See the [upstream changelog]( for more details.
As usual for a minor update, this should apply smoothly with no special
handling, but we recommend backing up all data, configuration, and database
contents before applying the update, just in case. ---- This update provides
ownCloud 8.0.3, the latest stable upstream release. This is a major update from
7.0.5, the previous version in this repository. The update also updates several
ownCloud dependencies to versions required by ownCloud 8. See for
details on why major ownCloud updates are shipped for stable Fedora and EPEL
releases. Before applying this or any other major ownCloud upgrade we
recommend you backup the server configuration (/etc/owncloud), database, user
data, and any other local data. We also recommend you disable non-admin access
to the server if possible. Immediately after updating the packages, browse to
the ownCloud install in a web browser to trigger ownCloud's upgrade process. If
it fails, take copies of the system and web server logs to attach to a bug
report, then downgrade the packages and restore your backed-up configuration and
data (or roll back to a pre-update snapshot). Note that in ownCloud 8, the
'contacts', 'calendar' and 'documents' applications have been removed from the
ownCloud core and made into 'third party' applications. Accordingly, they are no
longer shipped in the owncloud package. The ownCloud 'app store' should work
correctly, so you can install these applications through the Apps page. Your
existing data and configuration should be applied to the applications once they
are installed and enabled. Also note that from ownCloud 8.0 onwards, the
ownCloud upgrade process disables all third-party applications, so each time you
apply a minor ownCloud update from now on you should remember to re-enable all
your third party applications once the ownCloud upgrade process has run.
pwauth-2.3.10-9.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7892)
External plugin for mod_authnz_external authenticator
Update Information:
Add packaging for EPEL7
python-mwclient-0.7.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7648)
Mwclient is a client to the MediaWiki API
Update Information:
This update introduces the python-wikitcms package, a Python module for
interacting with the Fedora 'test management system' as implemented as a set of
conventions about wiki page naming and contents. In other words, it's for
creating, parsing and modifying release validation test pages and related
content. See for more details. The
update includes `python-mwclient`, a requirement.
python-pyroute2-0.3.14-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7900)
Pure Python netlink library
Update Information:
sync with the master branch ---- Network namespaces support
python-wikitcms-1.12.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7648)
Fedora QA wiki test management Python library
Update Information:
This update introduces the python-wikitcms package, a Python module for
interacting with the Fedora 'test management system' as implemented as a set of
conventions about wiki page naming and contents. In other words, it's for
creating, parsing and modifying release validation test pages and related
content. See for more details. The
update includes `python-mwclient`, a requirement.
radcli-1.2.3-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7894)
RADIUS protocol client library
Update Information:
Updated to 1.2.3
[ 1 ] Bug #1229349 - Review Request: radcli - Radius client library
smaclient-1.1-4.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7901)
Provides access to z/VM System Management functions
Update Information:
Add manpages for smaclient and smiucv. ---- Add new smaclient package
[ 1 ] Bug #1252530 - Review Request: smaclient - Provides access to z/VM System Management functions
uid_wrapper-1.1.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7899)
A wrapper for privilege separation
Update Information:
Update to version 1.1.1
The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
294 cross-binutils-
74 chicken-
57 python-virtualenv-12.0.7-1.el6
51 rubygem-crack-0.3.2-2.el6
20 zabbix20-2.0.15-1.el6
16 drupal6-views_bulk_operations-1.17-1.el6
11 php-twig-1.20.0-1.el6
11 drupal7-7.39-1.el6
7 drupal6-ctools-1.14-1.el6
6 drupal6-6.37-1.el6
2 onionshare-0.7.1-1.el6
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
fedfind-1.5.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7740)
Fedora Finder finds Fedora
Update Information:
This update provides the latest upstream fedfind release, 1.5.1. There have been
many significant changes since the last packaged release, 1.2. You can find full
details on the [upstream page]( Briefly,
fedfind's module has grown several new features for compose checking, and Koji
queries are now more efficient (and cached on the instance). fedfind will now
find more images and identify them more accurately. You can be somewhat sloppier
with `release`, `milestone` and `compose` parameters, both in `get_release()`
and in the CLI. There's a `wait()` method for waiting for a release to appear,
and some bugs in rsync usage were fixed. The update fixes the major bug in 1.2
where you could not use the CLI with a numeric release.
knot-1.6.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7904)
An authoritative DNS daemon
Update Information:
new upstream release
owncloud-7.0.9-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7902)
Private file sync and share server
Update Information:
This update provides the latest upstream stable update to the 7.x series, 7.0.9.
It fixes bug #1254908: ownCloud 7.0.7 introduced an incompatibility with PHP
5.3, the version included in the main EL 6 repository. If you had the Contacts
app enabled, ownCloud would not run correctly, unless you had updated PHP from
another repository. For information on other changes, see the [upstream
changelog]( As usual for a minor update, this
should apply smoothly without special handling required, but we recommend
backing up all data, configuration, and database contents before applying the
update just in case.
[ 1 ] Bug #1254908 - Owncloud 7.0.7 introduces a PHP 5.3 incompatibility
smaclient-1.1-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2015-7903)
Provides access to z/VM System Management functions
Update Information:
Add manpages for smaclient and smiucv. ---- Add new smaclient package.
[ 1 ] Bug #1252530 - Review Request: smaclient - Provides access to z/VM System Management functions