The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
6 drupal7-uuid-1.3-1.el6
5 GraphicsMagick-1.3.32-1.el6
4 tomcat-7.0.94-1.el6
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
cc65-2.18-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-9e046a46a0)
A free C compiler for 6502 based systems
Update Information:
- Initial rpm release. - Add an option to disable %check target. - Replace
Patch1000 with actual upstream commits. - Add some stuff for backwards
compatibility. - Add an unversioned symlink to %{_pkgdocdir} if needed.
[ 1 ] Bug #1718684 - Review Request: cc65 - A free C compiler for 6502 based systems
youtube-dl-2019.06.21-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-6cfef9aad8)
A small command-line program to download online videos
Update Information:
Update to latest release to fix important bugs. ----
org/youtube-dl/releases/tag/2019.06.08 ---- Update to latest release
* Sun Jun 23 2019 Till Maas <opensource(a)> - 2019.06.21-1
- Update to new upstream release with important bugfixes
* Sun Jun 16 2019 Michael Cronenworth <mike(a)> - 2019.06.08-1
- Update to 2019.06.08
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Till Maas <opensource(a)> - 2019.04.24-1
- Update to new upstream release with important bugfixes
* Sun Feb 3 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2019.01.30-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Till Maas <opensource(a)> - 2019.01.30-1
- Update to 2019.01.30
* Thu Jan 24 2019 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)> - 2019.01.24-1
- Update to 2019.01.24.
[ 1 ] Bug #1722763 - youtube-dl needs an update to version 8.6.2019, as it throws 403 errors
[ 2 ] Bug #1723012 - regex error when downloading from youtube
[ 3 ] Bug #1722934 - ERROR: Signature extraction failed
[ 4 ] Bug #1722918 - youtube-dl-2019.06.21 is available
[ 5 ] Bug #1702595 - youtube-dl needs to be updated otherwise it cannot be used with Youtube anymore
[ 6 ] Bug #1670645 - youtube-dl-2019.04.24 is available
The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
2 drupal7-uuid-1.3-1.el6
2 GraphicsMagick-1.3.32-1.el6
0 tomcat-7.0.94-1.el6
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
entr-4.2-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-79499ecd10)
Run arbitrary commands when files change
Update Information:
New package.
geolite2-20190618-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-ce9d0f9665)
Free IP geolocation databases
Update Information:
- Latest upstream
* Wed Jun 19 2019 Carl George <carl(a)> - 20190618-1
- Latest upstream
php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.18-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-79c1c4190d)
PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
Update Information:
## php-paragonie-random-compat ### Version 2.0.18 - 2019-01-03 * If
`/dev/urandom` cannot be read on Unix-based operating systems, a Exception
with a specific error message will be thrown. * Fixed Psalm nits. * Updated the
README to include a reference to the support contract offering by Paragon
Initiative Enterprises. ### Version 2.0.17 - 2018-07-04 * Version 2.0.16
failed Psalm checks on PHP v5.6 with Psalm v1. We could not reproduce this
failure locally, so we've suppressed the `MissingReturnType` check (that is to
say, demoted it to "info"). ### Version 2.0.16 - 2018-07-04 * Fixed type-
checking consistencies that forced us to use Psalm in non-strict mode (i.e.
`totallyTyped="false"`). * README cleanup, added a header to the Version 9.99.99
section. * If you're confused by `v9.99.99` and it's causing stuff to break,
see [this section of the
README]( for the
solution to your problem. * Trimmed down and annotated our `psalm.xml` file with
explanations for why each assertion is suppressed. ### Version 2.0.15 -
2018-06-08 * A reported, but difficult to reproduce, problem with file
inclusion on [some Windows
machines]( was fixed by
[replacing `/` with
For most users (i.e. not running Windows) this change should be of zero
consequence. For everyone else, it should mean random_compat magically works
when it didn't before. ### Version 2.0.14 - 2018-06-06 * Update version
information. * Updated README with better instructions, including new
information about the `v9.99.99` tag. ### Version 2.0.13 - 2018-06-06 * \#139
- Add `polyfill` keyword to composer.json * Ensure the docblocks are consistent
to aid static analysis efforts in other libraries; see
gonie/random_compat/commit/cbe0b11b78140bc62a921fec33a730fdaa6540d6 ### Version
2.0.12 - 2018-04-04 * Minor docblock issue that's breaking Psalm downstream.
### Version 2.0.11 - 2017-09-27 * Minor docblock corrections. * Re-issuing a
PHP Archive to attempt to address an issue with the Phar provided. See
[#134]( ### Version
2.0.10 - 2017-03-13 * Mcrypt can now be used on PHP < 5.3.7 if you're not on
Windows. * Minor boyscouting changes. ### Version 2.0.9 - 2017-03-03 * More
Psalm integration fixes. ### Version 2.0.8 - 2017-03-03 * Prevent function
already declared error for `random_int()` caused by misusing the library
(really you should only ever include `lib/random.php` and never any of the
other files). See [#125](
### Version 2.0.6, 2.0.7 - 2017-02-27 * Just updates to psalm.xml to silence
false positives. ### Version 2.0.5 - 2017-02-27 * Run random_compat through
the static analysis tool, [psalm](, as part of
our continuous integration process. * Minor readability enhancements
([#122]( and several
docblock changes). ### Version 2.0.4 - 2016-11-07 * Don't unnecessarily
prevent `mcrypt_create_iv()` from being used. See
[#111]( ### Version
2.0.3 - 2016-10-17 * Updated `lib/error_polyfill.php` [to resolve corner
cases]( * The README was
updated to help users troubleshoot and fix insecure environments. * Tags will
now be signed by [the GnuPG key used by the security team at Paragon Initiative
Enterprises, LLC]( ### Version
2.0.2 - 2016-04-03 Added a consistency check (discovered by Taylor Hornby in
his [PHP encryption library]( It
wasn't likely causing any trouble for us. ### Version 2.0.1 - 2016-03-18
Update comment in random.php ### Version 2.0.0 - 2016-03-18 Due to downstream
errors, the OpenSSL removal now belongs in version 2.0.0. --- ## php-symfony
RPM-only change: Remove php-paragonie-random-compat version constraint
* Sun Jun 16 2019 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.0.18-1
- Updated to 2.0.18 (RHBZ #1589437)
* Sat Feb 2 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.12-3
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.12-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 2.0.12-1
- update to 2.0.12 (RHBZ #1564120)
* Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.11-2
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Oct 8 2017 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.0.11-1
- Updated to 2.0.11 (RHBZ #1496628)
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.10-2
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Mar 17 2017 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.0.10-1
- Updated to 2.0.10 (RHBZ #1432051)
* Sun Mar 5 2017 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.0.9-1
- Updated to 2.0.9 (RHBZ #1385987)
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.4-2
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Dec 29 2016 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.0.4-1
- Updated to 2.0.4 (RHBZ #1385987)
- Run upstream tests with SCLs if they are available
[ 1 ] Bug #1589437 - php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.18 is available
php-symfony-2.3.42-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-79c1c4190d)
PHP framework for web projects
Update Information:
## php-paragonie-random-compat ### Version 2.0.18 - 2019-01-03 * If
`/dev/urandom` cannot be read on Unix-based operating systems, a Exception
with a specific error message will be thrown. * Fixed Psalm nits. * Updated the
README to include a reference to the support contract offering by Paragon
Initiative Enterprises. ### Version 2.0.17 - 2018-07-04 * Version 2.0.16
failed Psalm checks on PHP v5.6 with Psalm v1. We could not reproduce this
failure locally, so we've suppressed the `MissingReturnType` check (that is to
say, demoted it to "info"). ### Version 2.0.16 - 2018-07-04 * Fixed type-
checking consistencies that forced us to use Psalm in non-strict mode (i.e.
`totallyTyped="false"`). * README cleanup, added a header to the Version 9.99.99
section. * If you're confused by `v9.99.99` and it's causing stuff to break,
see [this section of the
README]( for the
solution to your problem. * Trimmed down and annotated our `psalm.xml` file with
explanations for why each assertion is suppressed. ### Version 2.0.15 -
2018-06-08 * A reported, but difficult to reproduce, problem with file
inclusion on [some Windows
machines]( was fixed by
[replacing `/` with
For most users (i.e. not running Windows) this change should be of zero
consequence. For everyone else, it should mean random_compat magically works
when it didn't before. ### Version 2.0.14 - 2018-06-06 * Update version
information. * Updated README with better instructions, including new
information about the `v9.99.99` tag. ### Version 2.0.13 - 2018-06-06 * \#139
- Add `polyfill` keyword to composer.json * Ensure the docblocks are consistent
to aid static analysis efforts in other libraries; see
gonie/random_compat/commit/cbe0b11b78140bc62a921fec33a730fdaa6540d6 ### Version
2.0.12 - 2018-04-04 * Minor docblock issue that's breaking Psalm downstream.
### Version 2.0.11 - 2017-09-27 * Minor docblock corrections. * Re-issuing a
PHP Archive to attempt to address an issue with the Phar provided. See
[#134]( ### Version
2.0.10 - 2017-03-13 * Mcrypt can now be used on PHP < 5.3.7 if you're not on
Windows. * Minor boyscouting changes. ### Version 2.0.9 - 2017-03-03 * More
Psalm integration fixes. ### Version 2.0.8 - 2017-03-03 * Prevent function
already declared error for `random_int()` caused by misusing the library
(really you should only ever include `lib/random.php` and never any of the
other files). See [#125](
### Version 2.0.6, 2.0.7 - 2017-02-27 * Just updates to psalm.xml to silence
false positives. ### Version 2.0.5 - 2017-02-27 * Run random_compat through
the static analysis tool, [psalm](, as part of
our continuous integration process. * Minor readability enhancements
([#122]( and several
docblock changes). ### Version 2.0.4 - 2016-11-07 * Don't unnecessarily
prevent `mcrypt_create_iv()` from being used. See
[#111]( ### Version
2.0.3 - 2016-10-17 * Updated `lib/error_polyfill.php` [to resolve corner
cases]( * The README was
updated to help users troubleshoot and fix insecure environments. * Tags will
now be signed by [the GnuPG key used by the security team at Paragon Initiative
Enterprises, LLC]( ### Version
2.0.2 - 2016-04-03 Added a consistency check (discovered by Taylor Hornby in
his [PHP encryption library]( It
wasn't likely causing any trouble for us. ### Version 2.0.1 - 2016-03-18
Update comment in random.php ### Version 2.0.0 - 2016-03-18 Due to downstream
errors, the OpenSSL removal now belongs in version 2.0.0. --- ## php-symfony
RPM-only change: Remove php-paragonie-random-compat version constraint
* Wed Jun 19 2019 Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski(a)> - 2.3.42-2
- Disable tests by default (follows php-symfony3 and php-symfony4 pkgs)
- Always require build dependencies
- Remove php-composer(paragonie/random_compat) version constraint
[ 1 ] Bug #1589437 - php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.18 is available
python-f5-icontrol-rest-1.3.13-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-943c46a4bb)
F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API client
Update Information:
Update to latest python modules to control F5 load-balancers.
[ 1 ] Bug #1697094 - python-f5-icontrol-rest-1.3.13 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1698735 - python-f5-sdk-3.0.21 is available
The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
1 drupal7-uuid-1.3-1.el6
1 GraphicsMagick-1.3.32-1.el6
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
Details about builds:
gfal2-2.16.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-f395fc23f4)
Grid file access library 2.0
Update Information:
* new upstream release
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Andrea Manzi <amanzi at> - 2.16.3-1
- Upgraded to upstream release 2.16.3
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.16.1-2
- Rebuilt for
python-elasticsearch6-6.4.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-cfbe0bca6d)
Client for Elasticsearch
Update Information:
First release of elasticsearch6 to EPEL 6 and 7
tio-1.32-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-cbe27e7d8d)
Simple TTY terminal I/O application
Update Information:
tio v1.32 ========= * Update AUTHORS * Minor code style cleanups *
Cleanup print macros * Flush output Make sure output is transmitted
immediately by flushing the output. * add optional timestamps with `-t`
or "C-t T", toggle a timestamp prefix to each line. * Fix typos * Added
macOS compatibility * Made `O_NONBLOCK` flag to `open()` call specific to
macOS only. * Added macOS-related details. * Added `O_NONBLOCK` flag to
`open()` call for macOS (10.13.6) compatibility. tio v1.31 ========= *
Update date * Update AUTHORS * Clarify the input/output variable names
(No-op change) * Organize options the same sequence they are mentioned in
cmdline help. * Update README. * Map CR->NL locally on output instead of
using `tio.c_oflag |= OCRNL`. This mostly is intended to have local echo
output exactly what is sent to the remote endpoint. A nice side-effect is,
that it also fixes tty-implementations, that can't deal with the `OCRNL` flag on
`tio.c_oflag`. * Provide local-echo option. Can be switched on with `-e`
on the command line. Can be toggled with Ctrl t e while program is running.
* Write to logfile as soon as we have the data, don't buffer. Logfiles are
important to see what happened, in particular if something unexpected happened;
so we want to make sure that the logfile is flushed to disk. Before this
change, the logfile was typically written at the end in a large chunk as the
default (large) buffering applied. Now, characters are written out ASAP, so it
is possible to get a live-view with a `tail -f <logfile>` tio v1.30 =========
* Update README * Update man page and bash completion * Update AUTHORS
* `ONLCRNL`: change the method to map NL to CR-NL tio v1.29 ========= * Add
mapping flags `INLCRNL` and `ODELBS` The following new mapping flags are
added: `INLCRNL`: Map NL to CR-NL on input. `ODELBS`: Map DEL to BS on
output. tio v1.28 ========= * Update README * Update AUTHORS * Add
snap status to `` * Add `` to prettify GitHub page * Add
missing header * Add missing header file under musl-libc Musl's
inclusion tree slightly differs from glibc, therefore `TCGETS2` is not reachable
through `sys/ioctl.h`, so `asm/ioctls.h` needs to be included too. * Fix
grammar and typos
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 1.32-1
- Upgrade to 1.32 (#1720889)
* Sun Feb 3 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jul 14 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-3
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1720889 - tio-1.32 is available
tomcat-7.0.94-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-12f1eb1b1f)
Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 3.0/JSP 2.2 API
Update Information:
This update includes a rebase from 7.0.92 up to 7.0.94 which resolves one CVE
along with various other bugs/features: * rhbz#1713280 CVE-2019-0221 tomcat:
XSS in SSI printenv
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Coty Sutherland <csutherl(a)> - 1:7.0.94-1
- Update to 7.0.94
- Resolves: rhbz#1713280 - CVE-2019-0221 tomcat: XSS in SSI printenv
[ 1 ] Bug #1713280 - CVE-2019-0221 tomcat: XSS in SSI printenv [epel-all]
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
308 condor-8.6.11-1.el7
116 tor-
83 cinnamon-3.6.7-5.el7
76 afflib-3.7.18-2.el7
49 python-gnupg-0.4.4-1.el7
47 bubblewrap-0.3.3-2.el7
19 hostapd-2.8-1.el7
14 python-django-1.11.21-1.el7
8 ansible-2.8.1-1.el7
1 php-brumann-polyfill-unserialize-1.0.3-1.el7 php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper2-2.1.2-1.el7
1 drupal7-uuid-1.3-1.el7
0 GraphicsMagick-1.3.32-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
gfal2-2.16.3-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-4d4c865faa)
Grid file access library 2.0
Update Information:
* new upstream release
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Andrea Manzi <amanzi at> - 2.16.3-1
- Upgraded to upstream release 2.16.3
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.16.1-2
- Rebuilt for
nodejs-6.17.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-7a3942050d)
JavaScript runtime
Update Information:
Update to 6.17.1 This will be the last update in the 6.x series.
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh(a)> - 1:6.17.1-1
- Update to 6.17.1 security release
- Drop debug build
[ 1 ] Bug #1690815 - CVE-2019-5737 nodejs: insufficient Slowloris fix causing DoS via server.headersTimeout bypass [epel-7]
python3-prettytable-0.7.2-19.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-2755335642)
Python library to display tabular data in tables
Update Information:
PrettyTable is a simple Python library designed to make it quick and easy to
represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables. It was inspired by
the ASCII tables used in the PostgreSQL shell psql. PrettyTable allows for
selection of which columns are to be printed, independent alignment of columns
(left or right justified or centred) and printing of "sub-tables" by specifying
a row range.
[ 1 ] Bug #1716231 - Review Request: python3-prettytable - Python library to display tabular data in tables
tio-1.32-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-e88bed27ca)
Simple TTY terminal I/O application
Update Information:
tio v1.32 ========= * Update AUTHORS * Minor code style cleanups *
Cleanup print macros * Flush output Make sure output is transmitted
immediately by flushing the output. * add optional timestamps with `-t`
or "C-t T", toggle a timestamp prefix to each line. * Fix typos * Added
macOS compatibility * Made `O_NONBLOCK` flag to `open()` call specific to
macOS only. * Added macOS-related details. * Added `O_NONBLOCK` flag to
`open()` call for macOS (10.13.6) compatibility. tio v1.31 ========= *
Update date * Update AUTHORS * Clarify the input/output variable names
(No-op change) * Organize options the same sequence they are mentioned in
cmdline help. * Update README. * Map CR->NL locally on output instead of
using `tio.c_oflag |= OCRNL`. This mostly is intended to have local echo
output exactly what is sent to the remote endpoint. A nice side-effect is,
that it also fixes tty-implementations, that can't deal with the `OCRNL` flag on
`tio.c_oflag`. * Provide local-echo option. Can be switched on with `-e`
on the command line. Can be toggled with Ctrl t e while program is running.
* Write to logfile as soon as we have the data, don't buffer. Logfiles are
important to see what happened, in particular if something unexpected happened;
so we want to make sure that the logfile is flushed to disk. Before this
change, the logfile was typically written at the end in a large chunk as the
default (large) buffering applied. Now, characters are written out ASAP, so it
is possible to get a live-view with a `tail -f <logfile>` tio v1.30 =========
* Update README * Update man page and bash completion * Update AUTHORS
* `ONLCRNL`: change the method to map NL to CR-NL tio v1.29 ========= * Add
mapping flags `INLCRNL` and `ODELBS` The following new mapping flags are
added: `INLCRNL`: Map NL to CR-NL on input. `ODELBS`: Map DEL to BS on
output. tio v1.28 ========= * Update README * Update AUTHORS * Add
snap status to `` * Add `` to prettify GitHub page * Add
missing header * Add missing header file under musl-libc Musl's
inclusion tree slightly differs from glibc, therefore `TCGETS2` is not reachable
through `sys/ioctl.h`, so `asm/ioctls.h` needs to be included too. * Fix
grammar and typos
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 1.32-1
- Upgrade to 1.32 (#1720889)
* Sun Feb 3 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jul 14 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-3
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.27-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1720889 - tio-1.32 is available
tlog-6-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-7983f73c00)
Terminal I/O logger
Update Information:
Release v6. Added features and implemented fixes follow. See and
manpages for documentation of features.
tomcat-native-1.2.21-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2019-edf185b74a)
Tomcat native library
Update Information:
Update to 1.2.21 (#1671548)
* Mon Jun 17 2019 Coty Sutherland <csutherl(a)> - 1.2.21-1
- Update to 1.2.21 (#1671548)
[ 1 ] Bug #1671548 - tomcat-native-1.2.21 is available