The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
5 gifsicle-1.93-1.el7
4 debmirror-2.35-1.el7
4 python-rsa-3.4.2-3.el7
4 mozilla-ublock-origin-1.37.2-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
bpfmon-2.50-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-ddef2597aa)
Traffic monitor for BPF expression/iptables rule
Update Information:
New version 2.50
* Tue Sep 21 2021 Boian Bonev <bbonev(a)> - 2.50-1
- New version 2.50
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.49-3
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.49-2
- Rebuilt for
ckeditor-4.16.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-2f9b2cf4af)
WYSIWYG text editor to be used inside web pages
Update Information:
## CKEditor 4.16.2 **Security Updates:** * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the
[Clipboard]( plugin reported by [Anton
Subbotin]( Issue summary: The vulnerability
allowed to abuse paste functionality using malformed HTML, which could result in
injecting arbitrary HTML into the editor. See [security advisory](https://github
.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/security/advisories/GHSA-7889-rm5j-hpgg) for more
details. * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the
[Widget]( plugin reported by [Anton
Subbotin]( Issue summary: The vulnerability
allowed to abuse undo functionality using malformed
[Widget]( HTML, which could result in
executing JavaScript code. See [security advisory](
keditor4/security/advisories/GHSA-6226-h7ff-ch6c) for more details. * Fixed XSS
vulnerability in the [Fake Objects](
plugin reported by [Mika Kulmala]( Issue
summary: The vulnerability allowed to inject malformed [Fake
Objects]( HTML, which could result
in executing JavaScript code. See [security advisory](
r/ckeditor4/security/advisories/GHSA-m94c-37g6-cjhc) for more details. You can
read more details in the relevant security advisory and [contact
us](security(a) if you have more questions. **An upgrade is highly
recommended!** Fixed Issues: *
[#4777]( Fixed: HTML comments
in widgets not processed correctly. *
[#4733]( Fixed:
[Link]( prevent duplicate anchors in text
with styles. *
[#4728]( Fixed: Multiple
anchors in one line and multi-line with text style. *
[#3863]( Fixed: Multiple
anchors in single word with text style. *
[#3819]( [Chrome] Fixed:
After removing one of the two consecutive spaces, the ` ` character appears
in the editor instead of a space. *
[#4666]( [IE] Introduce
CSS.escape polyfill. Thanks to [limingli0707](!
* [#681]( Fixed: Table
elements (td, tr, th, ..) with an id that starts with dot (.) causes javascript
runtime err. * [#641](
Fixed: UploadImage Plugin Widgets not working in IE, Opera, Safari, PhantomJS. *
[#3638]( Fixed: Opening the
same dialog twice causes it to become hidden under the dialog's page cover. *
[#4247]( Fixed: [Color
Button]('s incorrect rendering on
the first opening. * [#4555](
Fixed: [Font]( styles with attributes are
not applied correctly when used multiple times over the same selection. *
[#4782]( [Firefox] Fixed:
`TypeError` is thrown when switching to Source View and back while
[Autocomplete]( plugin is enabled.
## CKEditor 4.16.1 Fixed Issues: *
[#4617]( Fixed:
[Autocomplete]( is not accessible
in inline editors. * [#4493](
Fixed: The [drop-down]( label does not
reflect the current value of the drop-down. *
[#1572]( Fixed: A paragraph
before or after a [widget]( cannot be
removed. Thanks to [bunglegrind](! *
[#4301]( Fixed: Pasted
content is overwritten when pasted in an initially empty editor with the [`div`
Enter mode](
* [#4351]( Fixed: Incorrect
values for RGBA/HSLA colors in [Color
Dialog]( *
[#4509]( Fixed: Incorrect
handling of drag & drop inside [widgets](
and nested editables. *
[#4611]( [Android, iOS]
Fixed: Incorrect hover styles for buttons in the toolbar on mobile devices. *
[#4652]( Fixed: [Event
set to `false` is treated as an event cancelation. *
[#4659]( Fixed: [`
ml) does not treat `--!>` as a comment end tag correctly. ## CKEditor 4.16
**Security Updates:** * Fixed ReDoS vulnerability in the
[Autolink]( plugin. Issue
summary: It was possible to execute a ReDoS-type attack inside CKEditor 4 by
persuading a victim to paste a specially crafted URL-like text into the editor
and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> or <kbd>Space</kbd>. * Fixed ReDoS vulnerability in
the [Advanced Tab for Dialogs](
plugin. Issue summary: It was possible to execute a ReDoS-type attack
inside CKEditor 4 by persuading a victim to paste a specially crafted text into
the Styles dialog. **An upgrade is highly recommended!** New Features: *
[#2800]( Unsupported image
formats are now gracefully handled by the [Paste from
Word]( plugin on paste,
additionally showing descriptive error messages. *
[#2800]( Unsupported image
formats are now gracefully handled by the [Paste from
LibreOffice]( plugin on
paste, additionally showing descriptive error messages. *
[#3582]( Introduced smart
positioning of the [Autocomplete](
panel used by the [Mentions]( and
[Emoji]( plugins. The panel will now be
additionally positioned related to the browser viewport to be always fully
visible. * [#4388]( Added the
option to remove an iframe created with the [IFrame
Dialog]( plugin from the sequential
keyboard navigation using the `tabindex` attribute. Thanks to [Timo
Kirkkala](! Fixed Issues: *
[#1134]( [Safari] Fixed:
[Paste from Word]( does not embed
images. * [#2800]( Fixed: No
images are imported from Microsoft Word when the content is pasted via the
[Paste from Word]( plugin if there
is at least one image of unsupported format. *
[#4379]( [Edge] Fixed:
Incorrect detection of the [high contrast
contrast-mode). * [#4422](
Fixed: Missing space between the button name and the keyboard shortcut inside
the button label in the [high contrast
contrast-mode). * [#2208](
[IE] Fixed: The [Autolink]( plugin
duplicates the native browser implementation. *
[#1824]( Fixed: The
[Autolink]( plugin should require the
[Link]( plugin. *
[#4253]( Fixed: The [Editor
Placeholder]( plugin throws an
error during the editor initialization with [`config.fullPage`](https://ckeditor
.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-fullPage) enabled when
there is no `<body>` tag in the editor content. *
[#4372]( Fixed: The
[Autogrow]( plugin changes the editor's
width when used with an absolute [`config.width`](
itor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-width) value. API Changes: *
[#4358]( Introduced the [`CKE`](…
s_color.html) class which adds colors validation and methods for converting
colors between various formats: named colors, HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL and HSLA. *
[#3782]( Moved the [`CKEDITOR
test/api/CKEDITOR_plugins_pastetools_filters_word_images.html) filters to the [`
latest/api/CKEDITOR_plugins_pastetools_filters_image.html) namespace. *
[#4297]( All [`CKEDITOR.plugi
plugins_pastetools_filters.html) are now available under the [`CKEDITOR.pasteToo
pasteTools) alias. * [#4394](
Introduced [`CKEDITOR.ajax`](
ITOR_ajax.html) specialized loading methods for loading binary ([`CKEDITOR.ajax.
#method-loadBinary)) and text ([`CKEDITOR.ajax.loadText()`](
/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_ajax.html#method-loadText)) data. Other
Changes: * The [WebSpellChecker]( (WSC)
plugin is now disabled by default in [Standard and Full
presets]( It can be enabled via [`extraPlugin
extraPlugins) configuration option. ## CKEditor 4.15.1 **Security Updates:**
* Fixed XSS vulnerability in the [Color History feature](
cs/ckeditor4/latest/features/colorbutton.html#color-history) reported by [Mark
Wade]( Issue summary: It was possible to
execute an XSS-type attack inside CKEditor 4 by persuading a victim to paste a
specially crafted HTML code into the [Color
Button]( dialog. **An upgrade is
highly recommended!** Fixed Issues: *
[#4293]( Fixed: The [`CKEDITO
hod-inlineAll) method tries to initialize inline editor also on elements with an
editor already attached to them. *
[#3961]( Fixed: The [Table
Resize]( plugin prevents editing of
merged cells. * [#3649](
Fixed: Applying a [block
format]( should
remove existing block styles. *
[#4282]( Fixed: The [script l
) does not execute callback for scripts already loaded when called for the
second time. Thanks to [Alexander Korotkevich](! *
[#4273]( Fixed: A memory leak
in the [`CKEDITOR.domReady()`](
EDITOR.html#method-domReady) method connected with not removing `load` event
listeners. Thanks to [rohit1](! *
[#1330]( Fixed: Incomplete
CSS margin parsing if an `auto` or `0` value is used. *
[#4286]( Fixed: The [Auto
Grow]( plugin causes the editor width
to be set to `0` on editor resize. *
[#848]( Fixed: Arabic text not
being "bound" correctly when pasting. Thanks to [Thomas
Hunkapiller]( and [J. Ivan Duarte
Rodr��guez](! API Changes: *
[#3649]( Added a new [`styles
nt-stylesRemove) editor event. Other Changes: *
[#4262]( Removed the global
reference to the `stylesLoaded` variable. Thanks to [Levi
Carter](! * Updated the [Export to
PDF]( plugin to `1.0.1` version:
* Improved external CSS support for [classic
editor]( by
handling exceptions and displaying convenient [error messages](https://ckeditor.
incaccessible). ## CKEditor 4.15 New features: *
[#3940]( Introduced the
`colorName` property for customizing foreground and background styles in the
[Color Button]( plugin via the [`con
TOR_config.html#cfg-colorButton_foreStyle) and [`config.colorButton_backStyle`](
colorButton_backStyle) configuration options. *
[#3793]( Introduced the
[Editor Placeholder]( plugin.
* [#1795]( The colors picked
from the [Color Dialog]( are now
stored in the [Color Button](
palette and can be reused easily. *
[#3783]( The colors used in
the document are now displayed as a part of the [Color
Button]( palette. Fixed Issues: *
[#4060]( Fixed: The content
inside a [widget]( nested editable is
escaped twice. * [#4183](
[Safari] Fixed: Incorrect image dimensions when using the [Easy
Image]( plugin alongside the [IFrame
Editing Area]( plugin. *
[#3693]( Fixed: Incorrect
default values for several [Color
Button]( configuration variables in
the API documentation. *
[#3795]( Fixed: Setting the [
EDITOR_config.html#cfg-dataIndentationChars) configuration option to an empty
string is ignored and replaced by a tab (`\t`) character. Thanks to [Thomas
Grinderslev](! *
[#4107]( Fixed: Multiple
[Autocomplete]( instances cause
keyboard navigation issues. *
[#4041]( Fixed: The[`selectio
election.html#method-scrollIntoView) method throws an error when the editor
selection is not set. *
[#3361]( Fixed: Loading
multiple [custom editor configurations](
st/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-customConfig) is prone to a race condition
between these. * [#4007](
Fixed: Screen readers do not announce the [Rich
Combo]( plugin is collapsed or
expanded. * [#4141]( Fixed:
The styles are incorrectly applied when there is a `<select>` element inside the
editor. ## CKEditor 4.14.1 Fixed Issues: *
[#2607]( Fixed: The
[Emoji]( plugin SVG icons file is not
loaded in CORS context. *
[#3866]( Fixed: The [`config.
fg-readOnly) configuration option not considered for startup read-only mode of
inline editor. * [#3931](
[IE] Fixed: An error is thrown when pasting using the Paste button after
accepting the browser Clipboard Access Prompt dialog. *
[#3938]( Fixed: Cannot
navigate the [Autocomplete]( panel
with the keyboard after switching to source mode. *
[#2823]( [IE] Fixed: Cannot
resize the last table column using the [Table
Resize]( plugin. *
[#909]( Fixed: The [Table
Resize]( plugin does not work when
the editor is placed in an absolutely positioned container. Thanks to [Roland
Petto](! *
[#1959]( Fixed: The [Table
Resize]( plugin does not work in a
[maximized]( editor when the [Div
Editing Area]( feature is enabled.
Thanks to [Roland Petto](! *
[#3156]( Fixed:
[Autolink]( [`config.autolink_urlRegex`
autolink_urlRegex) and [`config.autolink_emailRegex`](
ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-autolink_emailRegex) options are
not customizable. Thanks to [Sergiy
Dobrovolsky](! *
[#624]( Fixed:
[Notification]( does not work with
the [bottom toolbar location](
DITOR_config.html#cfg-toolbarLocation). *
[#3000]( Fixed: [Auto
Embed]( does not work with the [bottom
toolbar location](
.html#cfg-toolbarLocation). *
[#1883]( Fixed: The [`editor.
ethod-resize) method does not work with CSS units. *
[#3926]( Fixed: Dragging and
dropping a [widget]( sometimes produces
an error. * [#4008]( Fixed:
[Remove Format]( does not work with
a collapsed selection. *
[#3998]( Fixed: An error is
thrown when switching to the [source
mode]( using a custom <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>
+ <kbd>Enter</kbd> [keystroke](
EDITOR_editor.html#method-setKeystroke) with the
[Widget]( plugin present. Other Changes:
* Updated [WebSpellChecker]( (WSC) and
[SpellCheckAsYouType]( (SCAYT) plugins:
* Fixed: Active [Autocomplete](
panel causes active suggestions to be unnecessarily checked by the SCAYT spell
checking mechanism.
* Mon Sep 20 2021 Shawn Iwinski <shawn(a)> - 4.16.2-1
- Update to 4.16.2 (RHBZ #1847904)
-… /
CVE-2021-37695 (RHBZ #1993490, 1993489)
- CVE-2021-33829 (RHBZ #1974731, 1974730)
-… /
CVE-2021-32809 (RHBZ #1993487, 1993486)
-… /
CVE-2021-32808 (RHBZ #1993484, 1993483)
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.14.0-4
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.14.0-3
- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 4.14.0-2
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #1847904 - ckeditor-4.16.2 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1974730 - CVE-2021-33829 ckeditor: cross-site scripting allows remote attackers to inject executable JavaScript code [fedora-all]
[ 3 ] Bug #1974731 - CVE-2021-33829 ckeditor: cross-site scripting allows remote attackers to inject executable JavaScript code [epel-7]
[ 4 ] Bug #1993483 - CVE-2021-32808 ckeditor: widget feature vulnerability allowing to execute JavaScript code using undo functionality [fedora-all]
[ 5 ] Bug #1993484 - CVE-2021-32808 ckeditor: widget feature vulnerability allowing to execute JavaScript code using undo functionality [epel-7]
[ 6 ] Bug #1993486 - CVE-2021-32809 ckeditor: clipboard feature vulnerability allowing to inject arbitrary HTML into the editor using paste functionality [fedora-all]
[ 7 ] Bug #1993487 - CVE-2021-32809 ckeditor: clipboard feature vulnerability allowing to inject arbitrary HTML into the editor using paste functionality [epel-7]
[ 8 ] Bug #1993489 - CVE-2021-37695 ckeditor: fake objects feature vulnerability allowing to execute JavaScript code using malformed HTML [fedora-all]
[ 9 ] Bug #1993490 - CVE-2021-37695 ckeditor: fake objects feature vulnerability allowing to execute JavaScript code using malformed HTML [epel-7]
iotop-c-1.19-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-bac3aa9405)
Simple top-like I/O monitor (implemented in C)
Update Information:
Update to latest ver 1.19
* Tue Sep 21 2021 Boian Bonev <bbonev(a)> - 1.19-1
- Update to latest ver 1.19
- Remove unsupported -Wdate-time on epel7
oval-graph-1.3.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1ad4706edf)
Tool for visualization of SCAP rule evaluation results
Update Information:
1.3.1 (Jan Rodak)
* Mon Sep 20 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service(a)> - 1.3.1-1
- 1.3.1 (Jan Rodak)
- Fix missing test files (Jan Rodak)
pcg-cpp-0.98.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-52c641e4d5)
PCG Random Number Generation, C++ Edition
Update Information:
Initial package for EPEL7
[ 1 ] Bug #2003169 - Review Request: pcg-cpp - PCG Random Number Generation, C++ Edition
python-xxhash-2.0.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-e08f61e11e)
Python Binding for xxHash
Update Information:
Initial package for EPEL7
teem-1.11.0-19.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-548556e66f)
Libraries for processing and visualizing scientific raster data
Update Information:
Initial package for EPEL7
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
4 gifsicle-1.93-1.el7
3 python-rsa-3.4.2-3.el7
3 mozilla-ublock-origin-1.37.2-1.el7
2 debmirror-2.35-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
java-latest-openjdk- (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1c6d3e5def)
OpenJDK 17 Runtime Environment
Update Information:
JDK 17 GA build
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew(a)> - 1:
- Update to jdk-17+35, also known as jdk-17-ga.
- Switch to GA mode.
- lower buildjdkver to 16, as 17 was not released yet for epel
* Mon Aug 30 2021 Jiri Vanek <jvanek(a)> - 1:
- alternatives creation moved to posttrans
- Thus fixing the old reisntall issue:
* Fri Jul 30 2021 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew(a)> - 1:
- Update to jdk-17+33, including JDWP fix and July 2021 CPU
- Resolves: rhbz#1972529
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew(a)> - 1:
- Use the "reverse" build loop (debug first) as the main and only build loop to get more diagnostics.
- Remove restriction on disabling product build, as debug packages no longer have javadoc packages.
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf(a)> - 1:
- Re-enable TestSecurityProperties after inclusion of PR3695
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew(a)> - 1:
- Add PR3695 to allow the system crypto policy to be turned off
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf(a)> - 1:
- Update buildjdkver to 17 so as to build with itself
* Sat Jul 24 2021 Petra Alice Mikova <pmikova(a)> - 1:
- update sources to jdk 17.0.0+26
- set is_ga to 0, as this is early access build
- change vendor_version_string
- change path to the version-numbers.conf
- removed rmid binary from files and from slaves
- removed JAVAC_FLAGS=-g from make command, as it breaks the build since JDK-8258407
- add lib/ to files
- renamed lib/security/blacklisted.certs to lib/security/blocked.certs
- add lib/ for intel
- skip debuginfo check for on s390x
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Jiri Vanek <jvanek(a)> - 1:
- bumped to security update of 16.0.2-ga
libmediainfo-21.09-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-28e7b9cf26)
Library for supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
Update Information:
Update to 21.09.
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.09-1
- Update to 21.09
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.03-2
- Rebuilt for
mediainfo-21.09-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-28e7b9cf26)
Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI)
Update Information:
Update to 21.09.
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.09-1
- Update to 21.09
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.03-2
- Rebuilt for
The following Fedora EPEL 8 Security updates need testing:
3 python-rsa-4.7.2-1.el8
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing
Details about builds:
flamethrower-0.11.0-7.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-7851394660)
A DNS performance and functional testing utility
Update Information:
Build of flamethrower for EPEL8.
libmediainfo-21.09-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1c3a224c7e)
Library for supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
Update Information:
Update to 21.09.
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.09-1
- Update to 21.09
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.03-2
- Rebuilt for
mediainfo-21.09-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1c3a224c7e)
Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI)
Update Information:
Update to 21.09.
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 21.09-1
- Update to 21.09
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 21.03-2
- Rebuilt for
swift-lang-5.4.3-2.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-a17af58a88)
Apple's Swift programming language
Update Information:
Updated to Swift 5.4.3-RELEASE
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Ron Olson <tachoknight(a)> - 5.4.3-2
- Added patch to allow building using Clang 13
* Wed Sep 15 2021 Ron Olson <tachoknight(a)> - 5.4.3-1
- Updated to swift-5.4.3-RELEASE
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 5.4.2-3
- Rebuilt for
A friend of mine is rebuilding an EPEL package (namely llvm9.0) from source
for CentOS 7 on aarch64. The aarch64 build is not in the EPEL repo,
probably because RHEL7 for aarch64 is out of support.
WIth an unmodified .spec file, he gets a message that
the %ldconfig_scriptlets macro is unknown, or else he gets it built but
not linked and so not running. He had to add "%post -p /sbin/ldconfig" and
I did find the wiki page about this macro at but I
could not work out which package should pull this feature into CentOS 7.
So how can he get his aarch64 CentOS 7 to support this macro, to enable
rebuilds without modifying the .spec file?
(Ideally he wants to be able to rebuild for Russian RHEL7 derivatives too).
Yours, Mikhail Ramendik
Unless explicitly stated, all opinions in my mail are my own and do not
reflect the views of any organization
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
3 gifsicle-1.93-1.el7
2 python-rsa-3.4.2-3.el7
2 mozilla-ublock-origin-1.37.2-1.el7
1 debmirror-2.35-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
dnsperf-2.7.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-c11cea8554)
Benchmarking authorative and recursing DNS servers
Update Information:
- Update to [2.7.1 release](
OARC/dnsperf/blob/v2.7.1/CHANGES) - Support for DNS over HTTPS - Removed
dnsperf-data subpackage. A new command ``dnsperf-data`` is provided instead to
simplify downloading of examples. Own dataset is recommended however.
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.7.1-1
- Remove dnsperf-data package. Provide dnsperf-data command to download sample instead.
- Update to 2.7.1
* Fri Jan 22 2021 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.4.0-4
- Move queryparse to separate subpackage
- Recommend only gnuplot for resperf-report
- Disabling queryparse for EPEL8
* Sat Dec 19 2020 Adam Williamson <awilliam(a)> - 2.4.0-3
- Rebuild for libldns soname bump
* Thu Dec 10 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.4.0-2
- Update requirements of example queries
* Wed Dec 9 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.4.0-1
- Update to 2.4.0
- bind-libs dependency removed
- dnsperf-data has own version
* Fri Oct 23 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.3.4-7
- Rebuilt for bind 9.11.24
* Tue Sep 1 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.3.4-3
- Stop demanding GeoIP-devel where not required
* Thu Jun 25 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.3.4-2
- Add manual include for bind 9.16 support
* Mon May 25 2020 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.3.4-1
- Update to 2.3.4
* Mon Nov 25 2019 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.3.2-2
- Rebuilt for bind 9.11.13
python-absl-py-0.13.0-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-4beabd422d)
Abseil Python Common Libraries
Update Information:
*New upstream release 0.13.0* ## 0.13.0 (2021-06-14) ### Added * (app) Type
annotations for public `app` interfaces. * (testing) Added new decorator
`(a)absltest.skipThisClass` to indicate a class contains shared functionality
to be used as a base class for other TestCases, and therefore should be
skipped. ### Changed * (app) Annotated the `flag_parser` paramteter of `run`
as keyword-only. This keyword-only constraint will be enforced at runtime in
a future release. * (app, flags) Flag validations now include all errors from
disjoint flag sets, instead of fail fast upon first error from all
validators. Multiple validators on the same flag still fails fast.
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> - 0.13.0-2
- Switch from py_provides to older python_provide
- Reduce macro indirection in the spec file
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> - 0.13.0-1
- Update to 0.13.0; closes RHBZ#1972146
[ 1 ] Bug #1972146 - python-absl-py-0.13.0 is available
python-apprise- (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1739004967)
A simple wrapper to many popular notification services used today
Update Information:
Updated to v0.9.5.1
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Chris Caron <lead2gold(a)> -
- Updated to v0.9.5.1
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Chris Caron <lead2gold(a)> - 0.9.5-1
- Updated to v0.9.5
python3-ncclient-0.6.12-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-b6ffb335ec)
Python library for the NETCONF protocol
Update Information:
Small packaging improvements (corrected Python Provides)
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> - 0.6.12-2
- Reduce spec file macro indirection
- Add missing python_provide macro
The following Fedora EPEL 8 Security updates need testing:
2 python-rsa-4.7.2-1.el8
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing
Details about builds:
dnsperf-2.7.1-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-14413665eb)
Benchmarking authorative and recursing DNS servers
Update Information:
- Update to [2.7.1 release](
OARC/dnsperf/blob/v2.7.1/CHANGES) - Support for DNS over HTTPS - Removed
dnsperf-data subpackage. A new command ``dnsperf-data`` is provided instead to
simplify downloading of examples. Own dataset is recommended however.
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Petr Men����k <pemensik(a)> - 2.7.1-1
- Remove dnsperf-data package. Provide dnsperf-data command to download sample instead.
- Update to 2.7.1
gcc-epel-8.4.1-3.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-5848dcbea8)
Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, ...)
Update Information:
Transformation of the GNU Compiler Collection from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
(gcc-8.4.1-1.el8) into gcc-epel to achieve the missing RPM packages for
Ada/GNAT, GCC JIT, Go, Objective-C and Objective-C++ that Red Hat decided to
remove (see: [Considerations in adopting RHEL
and-development-tools_considerations-in-adopting-rhel-8), and this also won't
change as per [bug
#1826731]( Important:
Please use `gnatgcc`, `gobjc` or `gobjc++` rather than `gcc` for a GCC with
Ada/GNAT, Objective-C or Objective-C++ support because `gcc` is unfortunately
not really modular and was also built without support for these programming
languages by Red Hat (or a vendor of a 100% bug-for-bug compatible drop-in
[ 1 ] Bug #1983416 - Review Request: gcc-epel - Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, ...)
python-apprise- (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-092f837646)
A simple wrapper to many popular notification services used today
Update Information:
Updated to v0.9.5.1
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Chris Caron <lead2gold(a)> -
- Updated to v0.9.5.1
* Sat Sep 18 2021 Chris Caron <lead2gold(a)> - 0.9.5-1
- Updated to v0.9.5
python-xxhash-2.0.2-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-8291f12b2b)
Python Binding for xxHash
Update Information:
Initial package for EPEL8
[ 1 ] Bug #2003374 - Review Request: python-xxhash - Python Binding for xxHash
The following Fedora EPEL 8 Security updates need testing:
7 libtpms-0.8.6-0.20210910git7a4d46a119.el8.0
0 python-rsa-4.7.2-1.el8
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing
Details about builds:
TeXmacs-2.1-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-32b94c3fef)
Structured WYSIWYG scientific text editor
Update Information:
Build for EPEL8
awscli-1.18.156-2.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-4cdea1b0ae)
Universal Command Line Environment for AWS
Update Information:
Fix RSA requirements.
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Jason Montleon <jmontleo(a)> - 1.18.156-2
- Bump the maximum version of python-rsa dependency
[ 1 ] Bug #2005231 - awscli no longer installable with recent python3-rsa 4.7.2
libolm-3.2.6-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-af8c0c1288)
Double Ratchet cryptographic library
Update Information:
Updated to version 3.2.6.
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Vitaly Zaitsev <vitaly(a)> - 3.2.6-1
- Updated to version 3.2.6.
* Thu Sep 16 2021 Vitaly Zaitsev <vitaly(a)> - 3.2.5-1
- Updated to version 3.2.5.
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 3.2.4-3
- Rebuilt for
packit-0.37.0-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-ce18151ab7)
A tool for integrating upstream projects with Fedora operating system
Update Information:
New upstream release: 0.37.0
* Fri Sep 17 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service(a)> - 0.37.0-1
- `packit source-git` init was updated to try to apply patches with `git am` first, and use `patch` only when this fails, in order to keep the commit message of Git-formatted (mbox) patch files in the source-git history. (#1358)
- Packit now provides `PACKIT_RPMSPEC_RELEASE` environment variable in actions. (#1363)
php-pear-CodeGen-1.0.7-22.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-5c851b837a)
Framework to create code generators that operate on XML descriptions
Update Information:
Provides the base framework to create code generators that operate on XML
descriptions like CodeGen_PECL and CodeGen_MySqlUDF.
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL-1.1.3-24.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-49545756df)
Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description
Update Information:
CodeGen_PECL (formerly known as PECL_Gen) is a pure PHP replacement for the
ext_skel shell script that comes with the PHP 4 source. It reads in
configuration options, function prototypes and code fragments from an XML
description file and then generates a complete ready-to-compile PECL extension.
yubihsm-connector-3.0.2-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-5a4fb6977d)
YubiHSM Connector
Update Information:
New package for EPEL8
yubihsm-shell-2.2.0-4.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-9ad6ee55bf)
Tools to interact with YubiHSM 2
Update Information:
New package for EPEL8
Thanks to people on the CentOS mailing list.
We managed to get CentOS Stream 9 pre-release with updates working on a VM.
Is there also a pre-release version of EPEL 9 we can use?