The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
6 libss7-2.0.1-1.el7
4 libopenmpt-0.5.11-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
epel-rpm-macros-7-33 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-233866545e)
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux RPM macros
Update Information:
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Michel Alexandre Salim <salimma(a)> - 7-33
- Fix' %limit_build
- number of CPUs will never be set to less than 1
- this now outputs build flag overrides to be used with %make_build etc.
- add documentation
* Mon Aug 2 2021 Michel Alexandre Salim <salimma(a)> - 7-32
- Add
- Refactor to use standard macros, not hard-coded paths
[ 1 ] Bug #1989340 - Add
php-phpseclib-2.0.33-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-de119b0312)
PHP Secure Communications Library
Update Information:
**Version 2.0.33** - 2021-08-15 - SFTP: don't check SFTP packet size after SFTP
initialization (#1606) - SFTP: timeout during SFTP init should return false
(#1684) - SFTP: return false if get_channel_packet returns false (#1678) - ASN1:
return false when not enough bytes are available (#1676)
* Thu Sep 2 2021 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 2.0.33-1
- update to 2.0.33
qpid-dispatch-1.17.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-25116c9601)
Dispatch router for Qpid
Update Information:
Rebased to 1.17.0.
* Thu Sep 2 2021 Irina Boverman <iboverma(a)> - 1.17.0-1
- Rebased to 1.17.0
The following Fedora EPEL 8 Security updates need testing:
6 libss7-2.0.1-1.el8
4 libopenmpt-0.5.11-1.el8
3 libtpms-0.8.4-1.20210624gita594c4692a.el8.0
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing
Details about builds:
epel-rpm-macros-8-24 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-99747f58b5)
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux RPM macros
Update Information:
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Michel Alexandre Salim <salimma(a)> - 8-24
- Fix' %limit_build
- number of CPUs will never be set to less than 1
- this now outputs build flag overrides to be used with %make_build etc.
- add documentation
* Mon Aug 2 2021 Michel Alexandre Salim <salimma(a)> - 8-23
- Add
- Refactor to use standard macros, not hard-coded paths
[ 1 ] Bug #1989340 - Add
git-cola-3.10.1-6.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-8aa5e8ef4a)
A sleek and powerful git GUI
Update Information:
local build ---- local build
* Wed Sep 1 2021 David <davidsch(a)> 3.10.1-6
- Do not require qtpy
* Sun Aug 29 2021 David <davidsch(a)> 3.10.1-5
- Enable vendored libs for epel
* Fri Aug 27 2021 David Aguilar <davvid(a)> 3.10.1-3
- git-cola.spec: drop the inotify dependency
[ 1 ] Bug #1998179 - Build python-QtPy for epel8
libfreenect-0.6.2-4.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-17b6ace2ea)
Device driver for the Kinect
Update Information:
Drop not needed Cython BuildRequires
[ 1 ] Bug #1984287 - BuildRequires: Cython is not needed.
packit-0.36.0-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-9cc7d44243)
A tool for integrating upstream projects with Fedora operating system
Update Information:
New upstream release.
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka(a)> - 0.36.0-1
- `status` command has been refactored and now provides much cleaner output. (#1329)
- A log warning is raised if the specfile specified by the user in the config doesn't exist. (#1342)
- Packit by default locally merges checked out pull requests into target branch. Logging for checking out pull requests was improved to contain hashes and summaries of last commit on both source and target branches. (#1344)
- `source-git update-dist-git` now supports using Git trailers to define patch metadata, which will control how patches are generated and added to the spec-file. `source-git init` uses this format to capture patch metadata when setting up a source-git repo, instead of the YAML one. To maintain backwards compatibility, the YAML format is still parsed, but only if none of the patches defines metadata using Git trailers. (#1336)
- Fixed a bug that caused purging or syncing upstream changelog (when not configured) from specfile when running `propose-downstream`. New behavior preserves downstream changelog and in case there are either no entries or no %changelog section present, it is created with a new entry. (#1349)
python-QtPy-1.10.0-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-8d47a53a5a)
Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings
Update Information:
initial build on qtpy on EPEL8
[ 1 ] Bug #1998179 - Build python-QtPy for epel8
python-robosignatory-0.7.0-4.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-e8c65a9ae6)
A Fedora Messaging consumer that automatically signs artifacts
Update Information:
Initial epel8 package.
qpid-dispatch-1.17.0-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1225178e32)
Dispatch router for Qpid
Update Information:
Rebased to 1.17.0.
* Thu Sep 2 2021 Irina Boverman <iboverma(a)> - 1.17.0 - 1
- Rebased to 1.17.0
yad-9.3-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-b6e05f21fd)
Display graphical dialogs from shell scripts or command line
Update Information:
Initial release for EPEL8
We are pleased to announce that Red Hat is establishing a small team
directly responsible for participating in EPEL activities. Their job
isn't to displace the EPEL community, but rather to support it
full-time. We expect many beneficial effects, among those better EPEL
readiness for a RHEL major release. The EPEL team will be part of the
wider Community Platform Engineering group, or CPE for short.
As a reminder, CPE is the Red Hat team combining IT and release
engineering from Fedora and CentOS.
Right now we are staffing up the team and expect to see us begin this
work from October 2021. Keep an eye on the EPEL mailing list[1] and the
associated tracker[2] as we begin this exciting journey with the EPEL
The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
5 libss7-2.0.1-1.el7
3 libopenmpt-0.5.11-1.el7
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing
Details about builds:
fedpkg-1.41-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-4b1bb0ee48)
Fedora utility for working with dist-git
Update Information:
A new version rpkg-1.63 together with fedpkg-1.41 containing both features and
bugfixes. Changelog (web documentation): A patch that fixes `fedpkg
sources` issue was additionally added. This issue appears when specfile contain
"Sources" with local files. Example: "Source1: grub.macros"
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.41-1
- Look for bug number in commit message instead of changelog (zebob.m)
- Add default configuration for `resultsdir` (oturpe)
- Use rpkg layouts for rpmdefines (oturpe)
- Advertised set-x-token method in do_fork and set_pagure_issue (jkunstle)
- Pagure / DistGit token config-file cli-interface - #192 (jkunstle)
- Deprecated arguments --dist have been removed, and related tests have been
updated. (abisoi)
- Add support for epel*-next branches (carl)
- Pagure token request - ACL specification - #440 (jkunstle)
- request-tests-repo: add empty 'upstreamurl' item - rhbz#1854987 (onosek)
- Jenkins unittests run in docker container (onosek)
- Drop Python 2.6 support (onosek)
- Bash completion for request-tests-repo - #433 (onosek)
- Unittests for new default branches (onosek)
- Default branches on different namespaces - #428 (mboddu)
- Clone rawhide branch with clone -B - 427 (lsedlar)
- Fix completion of arches (lsedlar)
- Add --rpmlintconf to lint command completion (lsedlar)
- Remove duplicated definition for lint (lsedlar)
- Add fork to bash completion - 1920997 (lsedlar)
- New default dist-git branch: rawhide - unittests (lsedlar)
- New default dist-git branch: rawhide (pingou)
- Fedpkg update didn't read bug numbers from changelog - rhbz#1912555 (onosek)
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.40-8
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.40-7
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
gfal2-2.19.2-3.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-c93f79baaf)
Grid file access library 2.0
Update Information:
Do not build SRM plug-in on Fedora platforms
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Michal Simon <michal.simon(a)> - 2.19.2-2
- Do not build SRM plug-in on Fedora platforms
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Michal Simon <michal.simon(a)> - 2.19.2-1
- Upgrade to upstream release 2.19.2
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.18.2-10
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jul 10 2021 Bj��rn Esser <besser82(a)> - 2.18.2-9
- Rebuild for versioned symbols in json-c
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.18.2-8
- Rebuilt for
perl-File-TreeCreate-0.0.1-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-332fec6c88)
Recursively create a directory tree
Update Information:
This is the first Fedora/EPEL build of perl-File-TreeCreate.
[ 1 ] Bug #1998475 - Review Request: perl-File-TreeCreate - Recursively create a directory tree
postfwd-2.03-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-7a430d838b)
Postfix policyd to combine complex restrictions in a ruleset
Update Information:
Postfwd is written in Perl to combine complex Postfix restrictions in a ruleset
similar to those of the most firewalls. The program uses the Postfix policy
delegation protocol to control access to the mail system before a message has
been accepted. It allows to choose an action (e.g. reject, dunno) for a
combination of several SMTP parameters (like sender and recipient address, size
or the client's TLS fingerprint).
[ 1 ] Bug #1981585 - Review Request: postfwd - Postfix policyd to combine complex restrictions in a ruleset
rpkg-1.63-2.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-4b1bb0ee48)
Python library for interacting with rpm+git
Update Information:
A new version rpkg-1.63 together with fedpkg-1.41 containing both features and
bugfixes. Changelog (web documentation): A patch that fixes `fedpkg
sources` issue was additionally added. This issue appears when specfile contain
"Sources" with local files. Example: "Source1: grub.macros"
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.63-2
- Patch: Pass sourcedir to rpmspec when specfile is parsed
* Tue Aug 24 2021 Dominik Rumian <drumian(a)> - 1.63-1
- Do not download unused sources during command 'sources' - #559 (oturpe)
- Added 'x-pkg verrel' for containers - #547 (jkunstle)
- container-build: improve help text for --signing-intent argument (kdreyer)
- Make sure all commits have a proper subject (sgallagh)
- Fix unittest for previous commit (onosek)
- better new-sources output when all sources already exist Fixes: #533 JIRA:
RHELCMP-5529 (drumian)
- Added 'remote' to rpkg from rhpkg - 439 (jkunstle)
- Add --offline cli argument for new-sources (oturpe)
- Tests: Fix setting branch name with old git (nils)
- Add and augment tests for rpmautospec (nils)
- Reflect %autorelease when parsing spec files (nils)
- Preprocess spec files using rpmautospec features (nils)
- Detect generic use of rpmautospec features (nils)
- Fix remaining Python3 SafeConfigParser warnings (nils)
- Tests: specify branch name on `git init` (nils)
- Remove leftover deprecated arguments (abisoi)
- Remove deprecated arguments --dist and --module-name (abisoi)
- Skip NVR check if the %autorelease macro is used - 109 (nils)
- Don't access unset variable (nils)
- Improve help in fedpkg clone command - #367 (abisoi)
- Fix rpkg container-build ignoring values when same argument is specified
multiple times - #537 (abisoi)
- list-side-tags: show creator of the tag - 358 (onosek)
- Drop Python 2.6 support (onosek)
- Enable flatpak tests that require libmodulemd (onosek)
- Added <package name>.rpmlintrc to the list of files ignored by fedpkg import
- rhbz#1946688 (abisoi)
- Jenkins unittests run in docker container (onosek)
- Add support for side tag suffix (lsedlar)
- Check whether sources file is not a directory - #541 (onosek)
- Add config option for writing dist-git build results to a subdirectory
- ca cert was removed on koji-1.24.0 (sergio)
- Improve automatic test suite (oturpe)
- Better hint when running 'prep' on detached branch - rhbz#1907964 (onosek)
- Update description of the clean command - rhbz#1909461 (onosek)
- Add --skip-nvr-check to the scratch-build command - rhbz#1671012 (onosek)
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.62-7
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 8 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.62-6
- Patch: Preprocess spec files using rpmautospec features and use %autorelease when parsing spec files
- Patch: Skip NVR check if the %autorelease macro is used
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.62-5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
singularity-3.8.2-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-da28cde031)
Application and environment virtualization
Update Information:
Upgrade to upstream 3.8.2
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Dave Dykstra <dwd(a)> - 3.8.2-1
- Upgrade to upstream 3.8.2
[ 1 ] Bug #2000194 - singularity-3.8.2 is available
snapd-2.51.7-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-42d5ef4bdd)
A transactional software package manager
Update Information:
Update to the latest upstream release 2.51.7. Includes a compatibility fix for
squashfs-tools 4.5+
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51.7-1
- New upstream release 2.51.7 (RHBZ#1972558)
- Include an upstream fix for squashfs 4.5+ compatibility (RHBZ#1999998)
* Fri Aug 27 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.7
- cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls list to libseccomp
- tests: cherry-pick shellcheck fix `bd730fd4`
- interfaces/dsp: add /dev/ambad into dsp interface
- many: shellcheck fixes
- snapstate: abort kernel refresh if no gadget update can be found
- overlord: add manager test for "assumes" checking
- store: deal correctly with "assumes" from the store raw yaml
* Thu Aug 19 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.6
- secboot: use half the mem for KDF in AddRecoveryKey
- secboot: switch main key KDF memory cost to 32KB
* Mon Aug 16 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.5
- snap/squashfs: handle squashfs-tools 4.5+
- tests/core20-install-device-file-install-via-hook-hack: adjust
test for 2.51
- o/devicestate/handlers_install.go: add workaround to create dirs
for install
- tests: fix linter warning
- tests: update other spread tests for new behaviour
- tests: ack assertions by default, add --noack option
- release-tools/ also fix opensuse changelog date
- release-tools/ fix typo in function name
- release-tools/ fix fedora date format
- release-tools/ handle case where we don't have a TZ
- release-tools/ fix line length check
- release-tools/ specify the LP bug for the release as
an arg too
- interface/modem-manager: add support for MBIM/QMI proxy
- .github/workflows/test.yaml: use snapcraft 4.x to build the snapd
* Mon Aug 9 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.4
- {device,snap}state: skip kernel extraction in seeding
- vendor: move to snapshot-4c814e1 branch and set fixed KDF options
- tests/interfaces/tee: fix HasLen check for udev snippets
- interfaces/tee: add support for Qualcomm qseecom device node
- gadget: check for system-save with multi volumes if encrypting
- gadget: drive-by: drop unnecessary/supported passthrough in test
* Fri Jul 30 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51-4
- Cherry pick a compatibility fix for squashfs 4.5+
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51-3
- Fix FTBFS with glib 2.69
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.51-2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 14 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.3
- interfaces/builtin: add sd-control interface
- store: set ResponseHeaderTimeout on the default transport
* Wed Jul 7 2021 Michael Vogt <michael.vogt(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.2
- snapstate: remove temporary snap file for local revisions early
- interface: allows reading sd cards internal info from block-
devices interface
- o/ifacestate: do not visit same halt tasks in waitChainSearch to
avoid slow convergence (or unlikely cycles)
- corecfg: allow using `# snapd-edit: no` header to disable pi-
- configcore: ignore system.pi-config.* setting on measured kernels
- many: pass device/model info to configcore via sysconfig.Device
- o/configstate/configcore: support snap set system swap.size=...
- store: make the log with download size a debug one
- interfaces/opengl: add support for Imagination PowerVR
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Michael Vogt <michael.vogt(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.1
- interfaces: add netlink-driver interface
- interfaces: builtin: add dm-crypt interface to support external
storage encryption
- interfaces/dsp: fix typo in udev rule
- overlord/snapstate: lock the mutex before returning from stop
snap services undo
- interfaces: opengl: change path for Xilinx zocl driver
- interfaces/dsp: add /dev/cavalry into dsp interface
- packaging/fedora/snapd.spec: correct date format in changelog
[ 1 ] Bug #1972558 - snapd-2.51.7 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1999998 - snap installation broken due to squashfs-tools update
xorgxrdp-0.2.17-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-952a6b1aa4)
Implementation of xrdp backend as Xorg modules
Update Information:
This version includes following features and fixes: - Avoid potential infinite
loop for rdpUpdate #193
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Bojan Smojver <bojan(a)> - 0.2.17-1
- Bump up to 0.2.17
[ 1 ] Bug #1999538 - xorgxrdp-0.2.17 is available
xrdp-0.9.17-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-99d481a3e6)
Open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server
Update Information:
# Release notes for xrdp v0.9.17 (2021/08/31) ## General announcements *
Running xrdp and xrdp-sesman on separate hosts is still supported by this
release, but is now deprecated. This is not secure. A future release will
replace the TCP socket used between these processes with a Unix Domain Socket,
and then cross-host running will not be possible. ## New features * The IP
address, port, and user name of NeutrinoRDP Proxy connection are logged in
xrdp.log - these connections may not have a sesman log to use (#1873) * The
performance settings for NeutrinoRDP can be now configured (#1903) * Support for
Alpine Linux in (#1965) * clipboard: log file transfer for the
purpose of audit (#1954) * Client's Keyboard layout now can be overridden by
xrdp configuration for debugging purposes (#1952) ## Bug fixes * PAM_USER
environment variable is not set when using pam_exec module (#1882) * Allow
common channel settings to be overridden for modules as well as chansrv (#1899)
* The text only-copy/paste interface for the VNC module (used only when chansrv
is not active) has been improved (#1900) * The unsupported `tcutils` utility has
been removed (#1943) * The quality of TLS logging has been improved (#1926) *
Keyboard information is now passed correctly through NeuutrinoRDP, and can be
overridden if required (#1934) * A message is now logged in the sesman log for
unsuccessful login attempts detailing the user used (#1947) ## Internal changes
* astyle formatting is now checked during CI builds (#1879) * Generalise
development build options, and add --enable-devel-streamcheck (#1887) * Now uses
cppcheck 2.5 for CI builds (#1938) * The SCP protocol is now using a standard
`struct trans` for messaging rather than its own thing (#1925) ## Changes for
packagers or developers * The `--enable-xrdpdebug` developer option has been
replaced with finer-grained `--enable-devel-*` options. Consequently, specifying
`--enable-xrdpdebug` is now an error (#1913) ## Known issues * On-the-fly
resolution change requires the Microsoft Store version of Remote Desktop client
but sometimes crashes on connect (#1869) * xrdp's login dialog is not relocated
at the center of the new resolution after on-the-fly resolution change happens
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Bojan Smojver <bojan(a)> - 1:0.9.17-1
- Bump up to 0.9.17
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.9.16-3
- Rebuilt for
The following Fedora EPEL 8 Security updates need testing:
5 libss7-2.0.1-1.el8
5 mosquitto-1.6.15-1.el8
3 libopenmpt-0.5.11-1.el8
2 libtpms-0.8.4-1.20210624gita594c4692a.el8.0
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing
Details about builds:
fedpkg-1.41-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-229d22b592)
Fedora utility for working with dist-git
Update Information:
A new version rpkg-1.63 together with fedpkg-1.41 containing both features and
bugfixes. Changelog (web documentation): A patch that fixes `fedpkg
sources` issue was additionally added. This issue appears when specfile contain
"Sources" with local files. Example: "Source1: grub.macros"
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.41-1
- Look for bug number in commit message instead of changelog (zebob.m)
- Add default configuration for `resultsdir` (oturpe)
- Use rpkg layouts for rpmdefines (oturpe)
- Advertised set-x-token method in do_fork and set_pagure_issue (jkunstle)
- Pagure / DistGit token config-file cli-interface - #192 (jkunstle)
- Deprecated arguments --dist have been removed, and related tests have been
updated. (abisoi)
- Add support for epel*-next branches (carl)
- Pagure token request - ACL specification - #440 (jkunstle)
- request-tests-repo: add empty 'upstreamurl' item - rhbz#1854987 (onosek)
- Jenkins unittests run in docker container (onosek)
- Drop Python 2.6 support (onosek)
- Bash completion for request-tests-repo - #433 (onosek)
- Unittests for new default branches (onosek)
- Default branches on different namespaces - #428 (mboddu)
- Clone rawhide branch with clone -B - 427 (lsedlar)
- Fix completion of arches (lsedlar)
- Add --rpmlintconf to lint command completion (lsedlar)
- Remove duplicated definition for lint (lsedlar)
- Add fork to bash completion - 1920997 (lsedlar)
- New default dist-git branch: rawhide - unittests (lsedlar)
- New default dist-git branch: rawhide (pingou)
- Fedpkg update didn't read bug numbers from changelog - rhbz#1912555 (onosek)
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.40-8
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.40-7
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
fsverity-utils-1.4-2.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-17ded932c7)
fsverity utilities
Update Information:
Upgrade EPEL8 build of fsverity-utils to version 1.4
* Mon Aug 9 2021 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 1.4-2
- Fix libfsverity package naming (rhbz #1991175)
* Fri Aug 6 2021 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 1.4-1
- Update to 1.4
- Split libs out to subpackage
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.3-4
- Rebuilt for
gfal2-2.19.2-3.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-f779446d58)
Grid file access library 2.0
Update Information:
Do not build SRM plug-in on Fedora platforms
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Michal Simon <michal.simon(a)> - 2.19.2-2
- Do not build SRM plug-in on Fedora platforms
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Michal Simon <michal.simon(a)> - 2.19.2-1
- Upgrade to upstream release 2.19.2
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.18.2-10
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jul 10 2021 Bj��rn Esser <besser82(a)> - 2.18.2-9
- Rebuild for versioned symbols in json-c
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.18.2-8
- Rebuilt for
perl-File-TreeCreate-0.0.1-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-bb8a7b241e)
Recursively create a directory tree
Update Information:
This is the first Fedora/EPEL build of perl-File-TreeCreate.
[ 1 ] Bug #1998475 - Review Request: perl-File-TreeCreate - Recursively create a directory tree
postfwd-2.03-2.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-f28c661593)
Postfix policyd to combine complex restrictions in a ruleset
Update Information:
Postfwd is written in Perl to combine complex Postfix restrictions in a ruleset
similar to those of the most firewalls. The program uses the Postfix policy
delegation protocol to control access to the mail system before a message has
been accepted. It allows to choose an action (e.g. reject, dunno) for a
combination of several SMTP parameters (like sender and recipient address, size
or the client's TLS fingerprint).
[ 1 ] Bug #1981585 - Review Request: postfwd - Postfix policyd to combine complex restrictions in a ruleset
rpkg-1.63-2.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-229d22b592)
Python library for interacting with rpm+git
Update Information:
A new version rpkg-1.63 together with fedpkg-1.41 containing both features and
bugfixes. Changelog (web documentation): A patch that fixes `fedpkg
sources` issue was additionally added. This issue appears when specfile contain
"Sources" with local files. Example: "Source1: grub.macros"
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.63-2
- Patch: Pass sourcedir to rpmspec when specfile is parsed
* Tue Aug 24 2021 Dominik Rumian <drumian(a)> - 1.63-1
- Do not download unused sources during command 'sources' - #559 (oturpe)
- Added 'x-pkg verrel' for containers - #547 (jkunstle)
- container-build: improve help text for --signing-intent argument (kdreyer)
- Make sure all commits have a proper subject (sgallagh)
- Fix unittest for previous commit (onosek)
- better new-sources output when all sources already exist Fixes: #533 JIRA:
RHELCMP-5529 (drumian)
- Added 'remote' to rpkg from rhpkg - 439 (jkunstle)
- Add --offline cli argument for new-sources (oturpe)
- Tests: Fix setting branch name with old git (nils)
- Add and augment tests for rpmautospec (nils)
- Reflect %autorelease when parsing spec files (nils)
- Preprocess spec files using rpmautospec features (nils)
- Detect generic use of rpmautospec features (nils)
- Fix remaining Python3 SafeConfigParser warnings (nils)
- Tests: specify branch name on `git init` (nils)
- Remove leftover deprecated arguments (abisoi)
- Remove deprecated arguments --dist and --module-name (abisoi)
- Skip NVR check if the %autorelease macro is used - 109 (nils)
- Don't access unset variable (nils)
- Improve help in fedpkg clone command - #367 (abisoi)
- Fix rpkg container-build ignoring values when same argument is specified
multiple times - #537 (abisoi)
- list-side-tags: show creator of the tag - 358 (onosek)
- Drop Python 2.6 support (onosek)
- Enable flatpak tests that require libmodulemd (onosek)
- Added <package name>.rpmlintrc to the list of files ignored by fedpkg import
- rhbz#1946688 (abisoi)
- Jenkins unittests run in docker container (onosek)
- Add support for side tag suffix (lsedlar)
- Check whether sources file is not a directory - #541 (onosek)
- Add config option for writing dist-git build results to a subdirectory
- ca cert was removed on koji-1.24.0 (sergio)
- Improve automatic test suite (oturpe)
- Better hint when running 'prep' on detached branch - rhbz#1907964 (onosek)
- Update description of the clean command - rhbz#1909461 (onosek)
- Add --skip-nvr-check to the scratch-build command - rhbz#1671012 (onosek)
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1.62-7
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 8 2021 Ond��ej Nosek <onosek(a)> - 1.62-6
- Patch: Preprocess spec files using rpmautospec features and use %autorelease when parsing spec files
- Patch: Skip NVR check if the %autorelease macro is used
* Fri Jun 4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.62-5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
singularity-3.8.2-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-d6c99be89c)
Application and environment virtualization
Update Information:
Upgrade to upstream 3.8.2
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Dave Dykstra <dwd(a)> - 3.8.2-1
- Upgrade to upstream 3.8.2
[ 1 ] Bug #2000194 - singularity-3.8.2 is available
snapd-2.51.7-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-bd47aa5487)
A transactional software package manager
Update Information:
Update to the latest upstream release 2.51.7. Includes a compatibility fix for
squashfs-tools 4.5+
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51.7-1
- New upstream release 2.51.7 (RHBZ#1972558)
- Include an upstream fix for squashfs 4.5+ compatibility (RHBZ#1999998)
* Fri Aug 27 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.7
- cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: update syscalls list to libseccomp
- tests: cherry-pick shellcheck fix `bd730fd4`
- interfaces/dsp: add /dev/ambad into dsp interface
- many: shellcheck fixes
- snapstate: abort kernel refresh if no gadget update can be found
- overlord: add manager test for "assumes" checking
- store: deal correctly with "assumes" from the store raw yaml
* Thu Aug 19 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.6
- secboot: use half the mem for KDF in AddRecoveryKey
- secboot: switch main key KDF memory cost to 32KB
* Mon Aug 16 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.5
- snap/squashfs: handle squashfs-tools 4.5+
- tests/core20-install-device-file-install-via-hook-hack: adjust
test for 2.51
- o/devicestate/handlers_install.go: add workaround to create dirs
for install
- tests: fix linter warning
- tests: update other spread tests for new behaviour
- tests: ack assertions by default, add --noack option
- release-tools/ also fix opensuse changelog date
- release-tools/ fix typo in function name
- release-tools/ fix fedora date format
- release-tools/ handle case where we don't have a TZ
- release-tools/ fix line length check
- release-tools/ specify the LP bug for the release as
an arg too
- interface/modem-manager: add support for MBIM/QMI proxy
- .github/workflows/test.yaml: use snapcraft 4.x to build the snapd
* Mon Aug 9 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.4
- {device,snap}state: skip kernel extraction in seeding
- vendor: move to snapshot-4c814e1 branch and set fixed KDF options
- tests/interfaces/tee: fix HasLen check for udev snippets
- interfaces/tee: add support for Qualcomm qseecom device node
- gadget: check for system-save with multi volumes if encrypting
- gadget: drive-by: drop unnecessary/supported passthrough in test
* Fri Jul 30 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51-4
- Cherry pick a compatibility fix for squashfs 4.5+
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki(a)> - 2.51-3
- Fix FTBFS with glib 2.69
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.51-2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 14 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.3
- interfaces/builtin: add sd-control interface
- store: set ResponseHeaderTimeout on the default transport
* Wed Jul 7 2021 Michael Vogt <michael.vogt(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.2
- snapstate: remove temporary snap file for local revisions early
- interface: allows reading sd cards internal info from block-
devices interface
- o/ifacestate: do not visit same halt tasks in waitChainSearch to
avoid slow convergence (or unlikely cycles)
- corecfg: allow using `# snapd-edit: no` header to disable pi-
- configcore: ignore system.pi-config.* setting on measured kernels
- many: pass device/model info to configcore via sysconfig.Device
- o/configstate/configcore: support snap set system swap.size=...
- store: make the log with download size a debug one
- interfaces/opengl: add support for Imagination PowerVR
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Michael Vogt <michael.vogt(a)>
- New upstream release 2.51.1
- interfaces: add netlink-driver interface
- interfaces: builtin: add dm-crypt interface to support external
storage encryption
- interfaces/dsp: fix typo in udev rule
- overlord/snapstate: lock the mutex before returning from stop
snap services undo
- interfaces: opengl: change path for Xilinx zocl driver
- interfaces/dsp: add /dev/cavalry into dsp interface
- packaging/fedora/snapd.spec: correct date format in changelog
[ 1 ] Bug #1972558 - snapd-2.51.7 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1999998 - snap installation broken due to squashfs-tools update
xorgxrdp-0.2.17-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-9cf549c915)
Implementation of xrdp backend as Xorg modules
Update Information:
This version includes following features and fixes: - Avoid potential infinite
loop for rdpUpdate #193
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Bojan Smojver <bojan(a)> - 0.2.17-1
- Bump up to 0.2.17
[ 1 ] Bug #1999538 - xorgxrdp-0.2.17 is available
xrdp-0.9.17-1.el8 (FEDORA-EPEL-2021-9f7e4c6b20)
Open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server
Update Information:
# Release notes for xrdp v0.9.17 (2021/08/31) ## General announcements *
Running xrdp and xrdp-sesman on separate hosts is still supported by this
release, but is now deprecated. This is not secure. A future release will
replace the TCP socket used between these processes with a Unix Domain Socket,
and then cross-host running will not be possible. ## New features * The IP
address, port, and user name of NeutrinoRDP Proxy connection are logged in
xrdp.log - these connections may not have a sesman log to use (#1873) * The
performance settings for NeutrinoRDP can be now configured (#1903) * Support for
Alpine Linux in (#1965) * clipboard: log file transfer for the
purpose of audit (#1954) * Client's Keyboard layout now can be overridden by
xrdp configuration for debugging purposes (#1952) ## Bug fixes * PAM_USER
environment variable is not set when using pam_exec module (#1882) * Allow
common channel settings to be overridden for modules as well as chansrv (#1899)
* The text only-copy/paste interface for the VNC module (used only when chansrv
is not active) has been improved (#1900) * The unsupported `tcutils` utility has
been removed (#1943) * The quality of TLS logging has been improved (#1926) *
Keyboard information is now passed correctly through NeuutrinoRDP, and can be
overridden if required (#1934) * A message is now logged in the sesman log for
unsuccessful login attempts detailing the user used (#1947) ## Internal changes
* astyle formatting is now checked during CI builds (#1879) * Generalise
development build options, and add --enable-devel-streamcheck (#1887) * Now uses
cppcheck 2.5 for CI builds (#1938) * The SCP protocol is now using a standard
`struct trans` for messaging rather than its own thing (#1925) ## Changes for
packagers or developers * The `--enable-xrdpdebug` developer option has been
replaced with finer-grained `--enable-devel-*` options. Consequently, specifying
`--enable-xrdpdebug` is now an error (#1913) ## Known issues * On-the-fly
resolution change requires the Microsoft Store version of Remote Desktop client
but sometimes crashes on connect (#1869) * xrdp's login dialog is not relocated
at the center of the new resolution after on-the-fly resolution change happens
* Wed Sep 1 2021 Bojan Smojver <bojan(a)> - 1:0.9.17-1
- Bump up to 0.9.17
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 1:0.9.16-3
- Rebuilt for