FYI, just tested moving from the base mediawiki package to mediawiki116. Upgrade process was as follows (in a nutshell):
Mediawiki install at /srv/syswiki/wiki/
1. Back up 2. mv /srv/syswiki /root/syswiki 3. Followed instructions in README.RPM to create a new wiki site (under /srv). Script to create symlinks worked great save for StartProfiler.php which didn't exist (it was StartProfiler.sample) 4. Copied my original LocalSettings.php back and modified "$IP" variable. 5. Reviewed RELEASE-NOTES for 1.15 and 1.16 for necessary config changes. 6. Changed to "maintenance" directory (now /srv/syswiki/wiki/maintenance) and ran the following:
MW_INSTALL_PATH=/srv/syswiki/wiki php update
7. Corrected issue with Ldap extension. 8. Fixed my Apache config which was aliasing the "skins" directory to /usr/share/mediawiki/skins
All is working great! Pretty easy.
I notice a few RPM-packaged extensions are tied to the original mediawiki package -- mediawiki-ParserFunctions for example.
Maybe /usr/share/mediawiki would be a good "generic" directory for non-version specific extension? Or should we get them repackaged per version?
For now I'll just install from source most likely.