Just to give a heads up: I am now working on this upgrade to Mono 4.2. I will build the mono package and the depending packages in a BuildRoot Override, and submit them for testing. They will sit in testing for a couple of months, and hopefully when CentOS 7.3 is released (October or November???) we can submit the updated packages to Epel7. Are there any problems with that plan?
Is there a LTS release in the mono 4.x release?
Unfortunately no. There is just an alpha, a beta and a stable channel: http://developer.xamarin.com/releases/current/
Debian also has Mono 4.2 in Debian Stretch (Testing), so chances are that it will be included in the next stable release. https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=mono-complete Ubuntu has Mono 4.2 in universe for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but that does not count for anything, because there is no guarantuee for maintenance of packages in universe. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mono-complete
Do I need to create a Fesco ticket to request permission to upgrade Mono in Epel7, and to do a bootstrap similar to Mono 4 in Fedora [2]?
Well it would be Eesco, but personally I don't believe it's needed, it just needs to be properly co-ordinated.
I guess this is the Epel SIG? Would you want to discuss the bootstrap build of Mono in Epel7, and exception to the Epel Update Policy? Please let me know if I should attend the meeting on coming Wednesday, 18:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting. I would then try to be there.
Thanks, Timotheus