Thanks Troy,
I discovered there is already a bugzilla ticket requesting Webalizer for EPEL9. So, I guess we'll just have to wait until someone wants to take that one.
On 21 Mar 2023, at 3:50, Troy Dawson wrote:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 4:05 AM Quinn Comendant <> wrote:
On 9 Sep 2022, Troy Dawson wrote:
webalizer - nobody has asked for it. And maybe someone needs to port
webalizer to use libmaxminddbI came here specifically to ask for Webalizer and found this thread.
What is the process for requesting a package to be added to EPEL 9? I
noticed someone posted a bugzilla ticket
<> to request
Webalizer for EPEL 8; should I do the same for EPEL 9?Yes