The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 4 updates-testing
flashrom-0.9.1-4.svn995.el4 lighttpd-1.4.26-2.el4 spawn-fcgi-1.6.2-1.el4.1
Details about builds:
================================================================================ flashrom-0.9.1-4.svn995.el4 (FEDORA-EPEL-2010-2698) Simple program for reading/writing BIOS chips content -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New svn ver. 995 (with really lots of new chips and m/b added) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Apr 28 2010 Peter Lemenkov 0.9.1-4.svn995 - Updated to latest svn ver. 995 - Lots of new chips and m/b --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ lighttpd-1.4.26-2.el4 (FEDORA-EPEL-2010-2694) Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update lighttpd to the latest version of the 1.4 branch, with the spawn-fcgi program split out for the first time on EL. This fixes CVE-2010-0295 and also includes a fix for upstream bug #2157 where SSL stopped working with RHEL 5.4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Apr 16 2010 Matthias Saou 1.4.26-2 - Update to 1.4.26. - Update the geoip patch. - Remove no longer provided ChangeLog from %doc. - Include patch to fix upstream SSL related bug #2157. * Thu Sep 3 2009 Matthias Saou 1.4.23-1 - Update to 1.4.23. - Update defaultconf and mod_geoip patches. - Remove no longer shipped spawn-fcgi, it's a separate source package now. - Remove unused patch to the init script. * Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz - 1.4.22-5 - rebuilt with new openssl * Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.22-4 - Rebuilt for * Sun Apr 12 2009 Matthias Saou 1.4.22-3 - Update init script to new style. - No longer include a sysconfig file, though one can be set to override the default configuration file location. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #561340 - CVE-2010-0295 lighttpd: Remote DoS (excessive memory use) by handling specially-crafted HTTP request --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ spawn-fcgi-1.6.2-1.el4.1 (FEDORA-EPEL-2010-2694) Simple program for spawning FastCGI processes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update lighttpd to the latest version of the 1.4 branch, with the spawn-fcgi program split out for the first time on EL. This fixes CVE-2010-0295 and also includes a fix for upstream bug #2157 where SSL stopped working with RHEL 5.4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #561340 - CVE-2010-0295 lighttpd: Remote DoS (excessive memory use) by handling specially-crafted HTTP request --------------------------------------------------------------------------------