On 16 June 2014 21:03, Simone Caronni <negativo17@gmail.com> wrote:
On 16 June 2014 20:15, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
* When do we want to look at leaving beta status for epel7?
I'd suggest we should definitely give CentOS time to release, but
should we have any other critera?

I would really, really like to have CentOS 7 available before the final release. CentOS 7 is being built also for i386 and that would mean a lot of semplification into adding packages in EPEL 7. Right now the situation is a bit weird as many multilib dependencies cannot be satisfied and there are many obstacles in getting i386 binaries to run.

Another thing, there are packages that are spread into multiple upstream optional channels that make it impossible to include some packages in the distribution.

One thread here:


Releng ticket here:


As far as I know in CentOS all packages and subpackages are part of the distribution, so this could be another reason to wait for the CentOS release.

Just my 2c.
