On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 4:57 AM, Antonio Trande <anto.trande@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone.

I wish to update CMake3 to the version 3.11.0 on epel7.
SRPM: https://sagitter.fedorapeople.org/cmake3-3.11.0-1.fc27.src.rpm

Any objection about?

Not from me.

I support a module upstream (out of necessity because I needed it fixed) and they seem to have a "fixes forward" culture. I was discouraged from backporting the fix in a patch because it would create a different behavior on Fedora from other distros and was instead encouraged to work around the problem (use a fixed local copy). So we should probably stay on the latest minor/patch release for the major version of the package, in this case 3.
