The following Fedora EPEL 9 Security updates need testing: Age URL 3 apptainer-1.2.2-1.el9
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 9 updates-testing
duply-2.4.3-1.el9 parallel-20230722-1.el9 python-ntplib-0.3.3-1.el9 python-regex-2023.6.3-1.el9 rpki-client-8.5-1.el9 xournalpp-1.2.0-2.el9
Details about builds:
================================================================================ duply-2.4.3-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-78dbd4cc49) Wrapper for duplicity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to duply 2.4.3 (05.05.2023) - bugfix #134: workaround bash 4.2 and earlier read bug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Jul 28 2023 Thomas Moschny - 2.4.3-1 - Update to 2.4.3. * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.4.2-2 - Rebuilt for --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ parallel-20230722-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-dd702d5fb2) Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
update to 20230722 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Jul 30 2023 Filipe Rosset - 20230722-1 - update to 20230722 * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 20230522-2 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jun 9 2023 Filipe Rosset - 20230522-1 - update to 20230522 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-ntplib-0.3.3-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-2d77cfe99e) Python module that offers a simple interface to query NTP servers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Initial build for EPEL 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Jul 30 2023 Vratislav Podzimek - 0.3.3-1 - Initial build for EPEL 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2196663 - Please branch and build python-ntplib for EPEL 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-regex-2023.6.3-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-21e4a14c68) Alternative regular expression module, to replace re -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update python-regex to the latest release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Jul 30 2023 Thomas Moschny - 2022.6.3-1 - Update to 2023.6.3. * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 2022.10.31-4 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jun 13 2023 Python Maint - 2022.10.31-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.12 * Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 2022.10.31-2 - Rebuilt for --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rpki-client-8.5-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-b65a201dbc) OpenBSD RPKI validator to support BGP Origin Validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
# rpki-client 8.5 - ASPA support was updated to draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa- profile-16. As part of supporting AFI-agnostic ASPAs, the JSON syntax for Validated ASPA Payloads changed in both filemode and normal output. - Support for gzip and deflate HTTP Content-Encoding compression was added. This allows web servers to send RRDP XML in compressed form, saving around 50% of bandwidth. Zlib was added as a dependency. - File modification timestamps of objects retrieved via RRDP are now deterministically set to prepare the on-disk cache for seamless failovers from RRDP to RSYNC. See draft-ietf-sidrops-cms-signing- time for more information. - A 30%-50% performance improvement was achieved through libcrypto's partial chains certificate validation feature. Already validated non-inheriting CA certificates are now marked as trusted roots. This way it can be ensured that a leaf's delegated resources are properly covered, and at the same time most validation paths are significantly shortened. - Improved detection of RRDP session desynchronization: a check was added to compare whether the delta hashes associated to previously seen serials are different in newly fetched notification files. - Improved handling of RRDP deltas in which objects are published, withdrawn, and published again. - A check to disallow duplicate X.509 certificate extensions was added. - A check to disallow empty sets of IP Addresses or AS numbers in RFC 3779 extensions was added. - A compliance check for the proper X.509 Certificate version and CRL version was added. - A warning is printed when the CMS signing-time attribute in a Signed Object is missing. - Warnings about unrecoverable message digest mismatches now include the manifestNumber to aid debugging the cause. - A check was added to disallow multiple RRDP publish elements for the same file in RRDP snapshots. If this error condition is encountered, the RRDP transfer is failed and the RP falls back to rsync. - A compliance check was added to ensure CMS Signed Objects contain SignedData, in accordance to RFC 6488 section 3 checklist item 1a. - Compliance checks were added for the version, KeyUsage, and ExtendedKeyUsage of EE certificates in Manifest, TAK, and GBR Signed Objects. - A CMS signing-time value being after the X.509 notAfter timestamp was downgraded from an error to a warning. - A bug was fixed in the handling of CA certificates which inherit IP resources. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Jul 30 2023 Robert Scheck 8.5-1 - Upgrade to 8.5 (#2227464) * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4-3 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2227464 - rpki-client-8.5 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ xournalpp-1.2.0-2.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-86314104b7) Handwriting note-taking software with PDF annotation support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New release with improvments. See [Notes]( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Jul 30 2023 Luya Tshimbalanga - 1.2.0-2 - Upload source * Sun Jul 30 2023 Luya Tshimbalanga - 1.2.0-1 - Update to 1.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2227560 - xournalpp-1.2.0 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------