2023-01-31T13:02:09Z Sagi Shnaidman sshnaidm@redhat.com:
Hi, Orion Thanks for raising this question.
I use both ways - either ansible distro with all-inclusive, or ansible (distro or "core") with specific collection installed separately when I need a newer version of collection, for example. I wonder if it's possible to continue to update collections to the newest versions anyway. If someone wants to use the collection version provided in "big ansible", they would use ansible 6.3.0 with all included. If they want a newer collection, they can install a separate newest RPM. But not sure if dependencies can be a problem here, like which collection version depends on other collection versions (for example ansible.utils, which is part of multiple collection dependencies). Let me know what you think.
On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 2:14 PM Paul Howarth paul@city-fan.org wrote:
On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 21:13:11 -0700 Orion Poplawski orion@nwra.com wrote:
So, I'm wondering if we should have some kind of (at least semi-)coordinated plan for updating ansible collections in EPEL?
My initial thought is we would sort of piggy back on to what the "ansible" community collection bundles on top of the ansible-core package provided by RedHat. So, currently in EL8.7 we have:
and EPEL ships:
ansible-6.3.0 - which corresponds to the ansible community package that ships with ansible-2.13.3.
Then we would endeavor to ship the individual package collection versions that are contained in that package, .e.g: (taken from the MANIFEST.json files):
ansible.posix 1.4.0 ansible.utils 2.6.1 chocolatey.chocolatey 1.3.0 community.docker 2.7.1 community.general 5.5.0 community.libvirt 1.2.0 community.mysql 3.4.0 community.rabbitmq 1.2.2 containers.podman 1.9.4 netbox.netbox 3.7.1
Sounds like a reasonable plan to me.
For reference, currently in epel we have:
ansible-collection-community-libvirt.noarch 1.1.0-3.el8 epel
I updated ansible-collection-community-libvirt to 1.2.0: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2023-98b1fc46a5
I don't really have a particular agenda here, just trying to solicit people's thoughts. Personally I like minimal installs so I have been only using ansible-core + collections on the systems I maintain and would like to continue to see them be usable together.
I too just use ansible-core + collections on the systems I maintain.
Regards, Paul.