A while ago I have retired 'heketi' as it is a management interface to Gluster, which is not part of EPEL anymore (conflicts with some RHEL sub-packages). Instead, heketi is maintained in Fedora and the CentOS Storage SIG.
I think I followed [1] correctly, but the package is still there. Could someone have a look at the commit [2] with dead.package in it and advise me what I did wrong, or what steps I have missed?
Thanks, Niels
1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_remove_a_package_at_end_of_life 2. https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/heketi/c/632c039cb07f6e1deb2f2bbebd51b14b...
"NdV" == Niels de Vos devos@fedoraproject.org writes:
NdV> I think I followed [1] correctly, but the package is still NdV> there. Could someone have a look at the commit [2] with NdV> dead.package in it and advise me what I did wrong, or what steps I NdV> have missed?
You linked to the document, but did you read through this section:
You've certainly waited long enough, so you should file a ticket in the tracker linked in that section.
- J<
I asked on IRC and mboddu had a look; somehow the retirement didn't automatically filter into the PDC (which keeps all sorts of metadata about packages) and so nothing else in the system noticed. There were sporadic problems with this in the past (which have been fixed for a while) but a few retirements may have been missed.
This has been corrected now; https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/component-branches/?global_compone... shows that the package is not currently active on the EPEL7 branch. This should propagate into koji with the next compose, so the package should disappear from the mirrors within a day or two.
- J<