My group is looking at bringing our project into EPEL. Among the reasons for doing so is to provide our users with ABI stability. The project is a web service application that is built from a C++ coded back-end that is driven by user requests through a java servlet. The way that C and C++ projects are brought into fedora and along into EPEL seems pretty clearly documented, as are the ABI stability benefits that are part of EPEL design goals.
However I am seeing almost no discussion about the java side of the equation.
Can you point me to any specific documents or guidelines that would help me get educated on what the issues are with bringing a java project into EPEL? IS there any discussion of ABI stability with regards to Java? Or is API stability the only real issue for java?
I did find this page:
Where I learned that EPEL projects must follow the Fedora Packaging and Maintenance Guidelines, and which led me to this:
Which led me to this:
Where the details of including an ant project are discussed. However my core questions about ABI vs API stability vis-a-vis EPEL remain unanswered.
Additionally, the page on packaging java provides examples of "Specfile Templates". Is there also a resource to which you may direct me where I can learn about the format and role of the Specfiles in the RPM process?
Any help you could offer me in this regard would be most appreciated.
= = = Nathan Potter ndp at OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
Hi James..
I have mulled over this a bit. my answers are inline.
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
My group is looking at bringing our project into EPEL. Among the reasons for doing so is to provide our users with ABI stability. The project is a web service application that is built from a C++ coded back-end that is driven by user requests through a java servlet. The way that C and C++ projects are brought into fedora and along into EPEL seems pretty clearly documented, as are the ABI stability benefits that are part of EPEL design goals.
However I am seeing almost no discussion about the java side of the equation.
Can you point me to any specific documents or guidelines that would help me get educated on what the issues are with bringing a java project into EPEL? IS there any discussion of ABI stability with regards to Java? Or is API stability the only real issue for java?
To be honest, we are going to have to work hand in hand on this. Some software has gotten in and some has not but why has not been documented as well as it should be.
The steps for getting software into EPEL would be that it first must get into Fedora (even if it is only built for EPEL). This means the software must be licensed appropriately and that it and all its subcomponents meet Fedora's packaging requirements. The biggest hurdle for Java software is where a project requires a specific API version of some library and just bundles it into its own self. These things need to be unbundled and kept seperate so that security/bug fixes do not get missed.
I would start by joining the Java list and going over what you have and how it would be best put together.
I did find this page:
Where I learned that EPEL projects must follow the Fedora Packaging and Maintenance Guidelines, and which led me to this:
Which led me to this:
Where the details of including an ant project are discussed. However my core questions about ABI vs API stability vis-a-vis EPEL remain unanswered.
Additionally, the page on packaging java provides examples of "Specfile Templates". Is there also a resource to which you may direct me where I can learn about the format and role of the Specfiles in the RPM process?
Any help you could offer me in this regard would be most appreciated.
= = = Nathan Potter ndp at OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
epel-devel-list mailing list
Did I post this question to the wrong group?
Is there someone here that can point me in the correct direction?
On Feb 18, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Nathan Potter wrote:
My group is looking at bringing our project into EPEL. Among the reasons for doing so is to provide our users with ABI stability. The project is a web service application that is built from a C++ coded back-end that is driven by user requests through a java servlet. The way that C and C++ projects are brought into fedora and along into EPEL seems pretty clearly documented, as are the ABI stability benefits that are part of EPEL design goals.
However I am seeing almost no discussion about the java side of the equation.
Can you point me to any specific documents or guidelines that would help me get educated on what the issues are with bringing a java project into EPEL? IS there any discussion of ABI stability with regards to Java? Or is API stability the only real issue for java?
I did find this page:
Where I learned that EPEL projects must follow the Fedora Packaging and Maintenance Guidelines, and which led me to this:
Which led me to this:
Where the details of including an ant project are discussed. However my core questions about ABI vs API stability vis-a-vis EPEL remain unanswered.
Additionally, the page on packaging java provides examples of "Specfile Templates". Is there also a resource to which you may direct me where I can learn about the format and role of the Specfiles in the RPM process?
Any help you could offer me in this regard would be most appreciated.
= = = Nathan Potter ndp at OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
= = = Nathan Potter ndp at OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 13:20 -0800, Nathan Potter wrote:
Did I post this question to the wrong group?
Is there someone here that can point me in the correct direction?
I'm not sure if anyone already asked this, but is your package already in Fedora? If not, that would be the first step, please see for the details of how to get it included.