And I can't remember what went on too much other than we talked a long time (about 3 hours) or who took the notes for the meeting. My brain is full can I go home?
We talked a lot about Vendors getting into EPEL, and their Java packages. I don't think much was resolved.
We talked about the Dependency scripts, Kevin and I will continue to work on them with mmcgrath.
We talked about moving the release dates for push from testing to stable to the first of the month for both repos. We all +1'ed it.
The movement from Plague to koji was touched upon, but I don't remember the status.
We talked about the ability to include the open component of a RH layered product. Such as FreeIPA, spacewalk, etc. This will need more discussion as far as I can tell.
That's what I remember, if anybody has anything else, throw it on in. stahnma
Michael Stahnke wrote:
The movement from Plague to koji was touched upon, but I don't remember the status.
During the talk on koji, being able to have/configure/use external repositories was discussed and is a feature that'll come in the next couple of months. IIRC, this lacking feature is also the main showstopper for EPEL to go koji, right?
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen -kanarip
On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 09:16 -0400, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
During the talk on koji, being able to have/configure/use external repositories was discussed and is a feature that'll come in the next couple of months. IIRC, this lacking feature is also the main showstopper for EPEL to go koji, right?
Yes, as one potential method of 'hiding' the RHEL binaries we use to build EPEL from the general public.
2008/6/30 Jesse Keating
On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 09:16 -0400, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
During the talk on koji, being able to have/configure/use external repositories was discussed and is a feature that'll come in the next couple of months. IIRC, this lacking feature is also the main showstopper for EPEL to go koji, right?
Yes, as one potential method of 'hiding' the RHEL binaries we use to build EPEL from the general public.
I think you said early 2009 for that time frame... but I wasn't sure if I remembered that correctly. Or was that someone else. We also talked about long-term maintainership of plague until this occurs and I can't remember who i talked about this with.
On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 11:18 -0600, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
2008/6/30 Jesse Keating
On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 09:16 -0400, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
During the talk on koji, being able to have/configure/use external repositories was discussed and is a feature that'll come in the next couple of months. IIRC, this lacking feature is also the main showstopper for EPEL to go koji, right?
Yes, as one potential method of 'hiding' the RHEL binaries we use to build EPEL from the general public.
I think you said early 2009 for that time frame... but I wasn't sure if I remembered that correctly. Or was that someone else. We also talked about long-term maintainership of plague until this occurs and I can't remember who i talked about this with.
I don't think that was me, because I'd be very careful to not give any specific time frames (:
I know that multiple people are thinking/working on this subject though.