I updated the draft on the package request email/notification on the wiki.
Found currently at : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/Draft-EPELPackageRequest
Reads as follows:
--- Attention $USER
Your packages <insert packages here> currently found in Fedora have been requested for inclusion in Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)[1]. Thus far, while looking at our Contributor Status[2] page, we are unable to determine if you are planning to build your packages for EPEL.
If you are interested in building, please follow the Branching Procedure[3] for EPEL.
If you maintain several packages (> 2) you can also use a scripted branching method (all packages from a contributor) by using the Scripted Branch Process[4].
If you are not interested in EPEL or don't feel like you have the time to put your packages into EPEL, the EPEL project would like to request that a co-maintainer who is a part of EPEL be added to your packages. To do this, please follow the co-maintainer process[5].
We appreciate your help in readying EPEL for official launch soon.
The EPEL team
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/ContributorStatus
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/CVSAdminProcedure
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/ScriptedBranchProcess
[5] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/Policy/EncourageComaintainership
Please review and give feedback. Also, take a closer look at [4], as I just wrote that tonight with dgilmore's help.
And finally, should [5] reference the Extras namespace?
--- stahnma
Michael Stahnke wrote:
I updated the draft on the package request email/notification on the wiki.
Found currently at : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/Draft-EPELPackageRequest
Looks good to me.
On 21.06.2007 06:11, Michael Stahnke wrote:
I updated the draft on the package request email/notification on the wiki.
Found currently at : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/Draft-EPELPackageRequest
Reads as follows: [...]
I just was in the situation where I needed a dep for one of my packages in EPEL that is not yet part of it. I took your text and modified it a bit to give it a more "personal" touch. Michael, what do you think of it? Maybe you can take parts of it?
--- Hi!
There are people around that would like to see some of your Fedora packages in Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) [1] -- I for example would like to see FOOBARBAZ in EPEL and mainly send you this mail on behalf of the EPEL team as you didn't yet let the team know via the Contributor Status [2] page if you are planning to build some or all of your Fedora packages for EPEL.
Are you interested in maintaining your packages in EPEL? EPEL is similar to Fedora Extras -- just that EPEL is a add-on repo for RHEL and compatible spinoffs such as CentOS. EPEL uses the same CVS and the same build servers as Fedora and a lot of Fedora maintainers are EPEL maintainers as well; the main difference is just that packages in EPEL are updated more carefully and supported for a longer timeframe. See [3] and [4] for details. In short: EPEL tries to ship a package once and update it to later versions only when there is a strong need to.
For branching your packages for EPEL follow the standard Fedora procedure[5] -- instead of FC-6 or F-7 targets just use EL-4 or EL-5 as branch names. If you maintain several packages (> 2) you can also use a scripted branching method (all packages from a contributor) by using the scripted branch process[6].
If you are not interested in EPEL please let the EPEL contributors know and update the information on [2] to avoid further mails like this -- that just takes a minute or two and would be a great help for the EPEL team. Please note that EPEL maintainers that might want to see your package in EPEL will likely start to maintain the package in EPEL sooner or later and thus become co-maintainers [7] of your packages for EPEL.
The EPEL team appreciate your help in readying EPEL for official launch soon.
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ
CU thl
On 6/28/07, Thorsten Leemhuis fedora@leemhuis.info wrote:
On 21.06.2007 06:11, Michael Stahnke wrote:
I updated the draft on the package request email/notification on the wiki.
Found currently at : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/Draft-EPELPackageRequest
Reads as follows: [...]
I just was in the situation where I needed a dep for one of my packages in EPEL that is not yet part of it. I took your text and modified it a bit to give it a more "personal" touch. Michael, what do you think of it? Maybe you can take parts of it?
There are people around that would like to see some of your Fedora packages in Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) [1] -- I for example would like to see FOOBARBAZ in EPEL and mainly send you this mail on behalf of the EPEL team as you didn't yet let the team know via the Contributor Status [2] page if you are planning to build some or all of your Fedora packages for EPEL.
Are you interested in maintaining your packages in EPEL? EPEL is similar to Fedora Extras -- just that EPEL is a add-on repo for RHEL and compatible spinoffs such as CentOS. EPEL uses the same CVS and the same build servers as Fedora and a lot of Fedora maintainers are EPEL maintainers as well; the main difference is just that packages in EPEL are updated more carefully and supported for a longer timeframe. See [3] and [4] for details. In short: EPEL tries to ship a package once and update it to later versions only when there is a strong need to.
For branching your packages for EPEL follow the standard Fedora procedure[5] -- instead of FC-6 or F-7 targets just use EL-4 or EL-5 as branch names. If you maintain several packages (> 2) you can also use a scripted branching method (all packages from a contributor) by using the scripted branch process[6].
If you are not interested in EPEL please let the EPEL contributors know and update the information on [2] to avoid further mails like this -- that just takes a minute or two and would be a great help for the EPEL team. Please note that EPEL maintainers that might want to see your package in EPEL will likely start to maintain the package in EPEL sooner or later and thus become co-maintainers [7] of your packages for EPEL.
The EPEL team appreciate your help in readying EPEL for official launch soon.
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ
CU thl
epel-devel-list mailing list epel-devel-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/epel-devel-list
Look good to me. I normally tend to write short, so that if someone isn't that interested, I didn't explain everything to them already. Thorough is probably better here though.
On 29.06.2007 02:24, Michael Stahnke wrote:
On 6/28/07, Thorsten Leemhuis fedora@leemhuis.info wrote:
On 21.06.2007 06:11, Michael Stahnke wrote:
I updated the draft on the package request email/notification on the wiki.
Found currently at : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MichaelStahnke/Draft-EPELPackageRequest
Reads as follows: [...]
I just was in the situation where I needed a dep for one of my packages in EPEL that is not yet part of it. I took your text and modified it a bit to give it a more "personal" touch. Michael, what do you think of it? Maybe you can take parts of it?
There are people around that would like to see some of your Fedora packages in Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux [...]
Look good to me. I normally tend to write short, so that if someone isn't that interested, I didn't explain everything to them already. Thorough is probably better here though.
I added both your and my version to the wiki at
If other write something up please consider adding it to that page as well.
Cu thl