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On 07/17/2014 05:48 AM, Sudhir Khanger wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com <mailto:sanjay.ankur@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Are there any
>     newcomers here that would like to introduce themselves and get started?
> Hello,
> This is Sudhir Khanger. I am in between careers trying to become an Android developer. I live in central India. Although I wish to move to some more tech oriented place in India if I had an opportunity.
> Like many others I started using Ubuntu as a hobby many years ago. Due to ASPM bug I had to switch to Arch Linux which if I had time I would have to say would be the best Linux distribution in form of OS offerings and very focused community. Earlier this year due to lack of time I wanted to switch from something that is less time consuming yet latest and focused on cutting-edge. I should also note that I started distro hopping when Gnome and Ubuntu started discovering HIG and how we use computers. I finally settled down with KDE. I have to say Fedora KDE is the best any distribution could offer. I am personally a fan of KDE SIG. It is sad that it doesn't have a place in the WorkStation grandeur.
> I would like to contribute to Fedora is some small sense. I like writing so I am open to contributing to wiki although docs sounds so official and makes me afraid of making mistake. I could also learn of use COPR and package some software that aren't and can't be main repositories.
> Besides Linux, I like to write, ponder over technology, life and politics, and spend time with family, you don't seem to have enough of that these days.
> --
> Regards,
> Sudhir Khanger.
> sudhirkhanger.com <http://sudhirkhanger.com>
> https://github.com/donniezazen

Hi Sudhir,

I know what you mean about docs - there's a lot of process and tooling that goes into creating the guides.  It's something the docs team has been thinking about, so I created a guide called the Fedora Cookbook specifically to have a place for people to put short tutorials and such.  I think you would do well writing for this, and I'd be happy to help you with writing and proofreading something that interests you.  The first 'recipe' in the cookbook is instructions on how to write a recipe: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/cookbook/chap-Documentation-Fedora_Cookbook-Test_Chapter.html#writing_recipes .  Feel free to reach out on the docs-qa mailing list to talk about *your* recipe, or visit #fedora-docs.

We're also working on the F21 release notes, and that always means a lot of work. It's hard to find everything that's changed, so I encourage people to report what they know at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats or with a bug report - and don't worry about writing it perfectly, it really makes a big difference to have help with the research.

- --
- -- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanetize@fedoraproject.org
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