Just found out I can see the interfaces and propierties on this way:

# gdbus introspect --system --dest org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1 --object-path /org/fedoraproject/FirewallD1

2013/8/16 Víctor R. Escobar <sefirotsama@gmail.com>
Hello everybody,

I am getting started with firewalld and I've read most of the documententation which was user oriented.

Right now I am looking for the D-BUS interface and somewhere some kind of API documentation or other online resource about how to deal with the firewall via D-BUS.

Could someone tell me how to find it? I've really googled for it and had no results.
Additionally "man 5 firewalld.dbus" isn't avialable on my local fedora, either on several internet pages which have broken links :(

Thank you in advance!
Víctor R. Escobar


Víctor R. Escobar