I see:
2014-07-16 13:25:23 DEBUG1: Failed to load direct rules file '/etc/firewalld/direct.xml': /etc/firewalld/direct.xml:1:1: not well-formed (invalid token)
so the file was invalid.
I checked the file. The first line was an improperly formed comment:
# /etc/firewalld/direct.xml:
I changed that line to:
<!-- /etc/firewalld/direct.xml -->
and the direct file loaded. The direct rules now show in firewall-config.
On 07/16/2014 01:11 PM, Jiri Popelka wrote:
On 07/16/2014 07:00 PM, John Griffiths wrote:
There is no /var/log/firewalld file.
And if you add 'FIREWALLD_ARGS=--debug' into /etc/sysconfig/firewalld and restart/reload firewalld ? Are there any WARNINGs/ERRORs ? (I don't need to see the DEBUGs).
-- Jiri