Thanks for giving the opportunity to participate in this event, unfortunately for job, money and visa problems I can't travel to flock this year, hopefully next year again has the opportunity to go to this event.

Please give my quota for someone else. I suggest enable to echevemaster participate because He is a major contributor or some else from Latam.

Thanks again for the opportunity, I hope to participate next year.

2014-05-23 13:52 GMT-05:00 Jon Masters <>:
On 05/21/2014 05:09 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:

> * Attached to this email is our working schedule for Flock 2014. Please
> locate your sessions (search on your FAS user name) and send back any
> comments or concerns that you have. We plan to make this schedule public
> on Friday, so please be quick about it.

This is great. A quick note that I won't be arriving until Friday (or
maybe Thu evening) due to another (ARM) activity in the UK the preceding
few days so need to keep that (current) Sat slot.


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