2011/5/30 Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet@fedoraproject.org>
30.05.2011, 19:43, "Pravin Satpute" <psatpute@redhat.com>:
> Hi All,
>    Released 1.07.0 version of Liberation fonts, dropping date from
> release tarball from this release.
> Major Changes:
> - Resolved major bug in Monospace fonts. (Thanks to Cody Boisclair
> <cody@zone38.net>; for his patch )
> - Added required Unicode characters for Bulgarian language.
>      See Changelog for more details @
> https://fedorahosted.org/liberation-fonts

Hi. How about this one?

There are 4-5 hinting bugs are pending, can you let me know status in Fedora 15 Gnome3
If someone can provide patch that will be nice.

Pravin S