Howdy FOSSers!

A little while back I mentioned I was working on writing a book about net neutrality. I have an update on that! It's now available for preorder and will be released August 7th. Store links (B&N, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, and Kobo) are at

If you order from Smashwords you can use the code SX37X for 25% off the preorder until July 20th. Just be aware that if I publish updates to the book after release you'll need to go and get them (updates are free) versus getting them automatically like you would from say, Amazon. The code only works for Smashwords, I'm not able to issue codes for other places.

If you're one of the awesome people who offered to beta read, I still need you! This is only a pre-release so your feedback is still welcome and needed. I'll be pushing updates to the book up until release. If you want to give me feedback, please try to send it over by the end of the month so I have time to update the book before release.

Nate Levesque
RIT Software Engineering '16