Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2018-10-29 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2018-10-22 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Il est temps de réfléchir à l'organisation de l'AGO de l'année
prochaine. Conformément aux statuts, il doit avoir lieu avant le mois de
J'ai donc crée un sondage pour recueillir les disponibilités de chacun,
merci de le remplir :
Pour maximiser la présence des personnes, seuls les jours de week-end
ont été retenus et aux alentours de 14h. La ville du lieu de l'AG est
Paris, même si le lieu restera à définir.
Quand la date et le lieu exact seront arrêtés une convocation sera
envoyée à l'ensemble des membres de l'association bien entendu.
Cette AGO sera l'occasion de renouveler le CA et le Bureau de
Merci d'avance, en espérant vous voir nombreux.
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2018-10-15 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2018-10-08 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2018-10-01 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at: