Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2019-04-29 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2019-04-22 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2019-04-15 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2019-04-08 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at:
Les Journées Du Logiciel Libre (JDLL) se dérouleront à Lyon le 6 et 7
avril 2019.
Pour toutes les infos .
Concernant Borsalinux-fr/Fedora, un stand a été réservé par Haïkel et je
serais présent sur les 2 jours pour le tenir.
Du coup si des personnes sont disponibles pour aider à la tenue du stand
ou même passer faire un coucou, ce sera avec plaisir.
A propos des goodies et accessoires de stand, il va falloir réfléchir à
une solution pour les faire arriver jusqu'à Lyon.
Un bilan de ce qui était disponible et où a normalement été réalisé. Des
nouvelles ?
Merci pour vos retours,
Message signé avec PGP
Voir les explications ci-dessous : et
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora-fr on 2019-04-01 from 20:30:00 to 21:30:00 Europe/Paris
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Weekly meetings about Fedora-fr activity with Borsalinux-fr association.
It is important to coordinate for special French activities : marketing, events, translation and support.
More information available at: