We are troubleshooting an sync issue that started after a freeipa upgrade (yum update) to the latest Centos 7.3 mid-April. One of the problems that happen is that we see stale RUVs that cannot be deleted. Here is the output of list-ruv and clean-run:
ipa-replica-manage list-ruv
Directory Manager password:
unable to decode: {replica 3} 57020ed9000600030000 57020ed9000600030000
unable to decode: {replica 4} 5702fe5b000500040000 5702fe5b000500040000
Replica Update Vectors:
inf01.prod.ecobee.com:389: 6
inf02.dev.ecobee.com:389: 8
inf01.dev.ecobee.com:389: 7
inf02.prod.ecobee.com:389: 5
Certificate Server Replica Update Vectors:
inf02.prod.ecobee.com:389: 1095
inf01.dev.ecobee.com:389: 1295
inf02.dev.ecobee.com:389: 1190
inf01.prod.ecobee.com:389: 1195
ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 3
Directory Manager password:
unable to decode: {replica 3} 57020ed9000600030000 57020ed9000600030000
unable to decode: {replica 4} 5702fe5b000500040000 5702fe5b000500040000
Replica ID 3 not found
The ipa_consistecy_script reports this issue as two ghost replicas ("Ghost Replicas 2 2 2 2 FAIL”). The clean-dangling-ruv reports that that are no dangling RUVs.
Our version is VERSION: 4.4.0, API_VERSION: 2.213, on Centos 7.3.1611
In the list archives, I found one case from 2015 that sound similar and was possible fixed, but not confirmed, with a script cleanallruv.pl, but I haven’t been able to find more info on that. Any further help would be appreciated.
Goran Marik
Senior Systems Developer
250 University Ave, Suite 400
Toronto, ON M5H 3E5