Hi all,
I have set up ipa server, established trust with an ad controller and enrolled a couple of clients to it.
I have a problem understanding how to properly set up ssh pubkey authentication when it comes to caching.
The issue is that when I upload the key to the server (via the web ui, for an AD user) and later delete this key (also via the web UI) I still can log in on a client machine for a couple of days using my private ssh key part. The command sss_ssh_authorizedkeys ad_user shows the correct key on both server and a client. Even after I delete manually cache files on the client, then sss_ssh_authorizedkeys displays the correct key.
In a trial and error process of debugging it I added entry_cache_user_timeout = 60 to every section of sssd.conf on a client but it did not change much the situation described above.
I assume that this is due to the caching settings on the server side (I guess user entries are still present in the sssd cache yet they are not visible in the web ui).
Can someone please point me to the sssd cache settings that would cause ssh keys to stop from working within a reasonable time after they were deleted?
Below I paste sanitized sssd config for the server:
debug_level = 10
# Enable short names without full domain
use_fully_qualified_names = False
ad_server = ad-1.ad.domain,ad-2.ad.domain
#cache_first = True
ad_server = ad-1.ad.domain,ad-2.ad.domain
debug_level = 10
id_provider = ipa
ipa_server_mode = True
ipa_server = ipa-server.ipa.domain
ipa_domain = ipa.domain
ipa_hostname = ipa-server.ipa.domain
auth_provider = ipa
chpass_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
cache_credentials = True
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
enumerate = False
subdomain_inherit = ignore_group_members, ldap_purge_cache_timeout
ignore_group_members = True
ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 0
#cache_first = True
debug_level = 10
domain_resolution_order = ad.domain, ipa.domain
services = nss, pam, ifp, ssh, sudo
domains = ipa.domain
debug_level = 10
filter_users = root,fedora
homedir_substring = /home
memcache_timeout = 600
entry_negative_timeout = 3600
override_shell = /bin/bash
override_homedir = /home/%u
homedir_substring = /home
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
debug_level = 10
and the client:
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
debug_level = 10
# Enable short names without full domain
use_fully_qualified_names = False
subdomain_homedir = /home/%u
selinux_provider = none
ad_enable_gc = false
ad_server = ad-1.ad.domain,ad-2.ad.domain
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
debug_level = 9
ad_enable_gc = false
subdomain_homedir = /home/%u
# Optimization
selinux_provider = none
subdomain_inherit = ignore_group_members, ldap_purge_cache_timeout
ignore_group_members = True
cache_first = True
ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 0
ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval = 60
ldap_sudo_full_refresh_interval = 21600
cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain = ipa.domain
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
ipa_hostname = ipa-client.ipa.domain
chpass_provider = ipa
ipa_server = _srv_, ipa-server.ipa.domain
dns_discovery_domain = ipa.domain
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
domain_resolution_order = ad.domain,ipa.domain
services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh
domains = ipa.domain
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
override_shell = /bin/bash
override_homedir = /home/%u
filter_users = root,fedora
homedir_substring = /home
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
debug_level = 9
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
debug_level = 9
entry_cache_user_timeout = 60
debug_level = 9
debug_level = 9
debug_level = 9