this is a new installed Server CentOS 7.7
but it is not possible to configure this for IPA replica
I have this Error
ipapython.admintool: ERROR [0:0:6]+[128:32:0] not in asn1Spec:
IA5String(tagSet=TagSet((), Tag(tagClass=128, tagFormat=0, tagId=1)))),
NamedType('dNSName', IA5String(tagSet=TagSet((), Tag(tagClass=128,
tagFormat=0, tagId=2)))), NamedType('directoryName',
Name(componentType=NamedTypes(NamedType('', RDNSequence())), tagSet=TagSet((),
Tag(tagClass=128, tagFormat=0, tagId=4)))),
NamedType('uniformResourceIdentifier', IA5String(tagSet=TagSet((),
Tag(tagClass=128, tagFormat=0, tagId=6)))), NamedType('iPAddress',
OctetString(tagSet=TagSet((), Tag(tagClass=128, tagFormat=0, tagId=7)))),
NamedType('registeredID', ObjectIdentifier('<no value>'))))
ipapython.admintool: ERROR The ipa-replica-install command failed. See /
var/log/ipareplica-install.log for more information
I install before ipa-client-install, this is working but afterward for the
replica i Have this Problem?
firewall Ports are open.
mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
Günther J. Niederwimmer