This is freeipa (ipa-server-4.6.5-11.el7_7.3.x86_64) on RHEL7 with
freeipa's own internal CA.
One of my ipa server replicas (host3) has not renewed its IPA system
certificates and is now showing
ca-error: Invalid cookie: u''
in the 'getcert list' output for certificates:
"auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca", "ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
"subsystemCert cert-pki-ca", and the
certificate in the file /var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.pem
As far as I can see, the sequence of events has been as follows:
host3 noticed the certificates needed renewing at 30 Jan 2020 05:37 and
certmonger initiated a renewal.
The state of those certificates went from MONITORING to CA_WORKING but
the certificates were not renewed.
The CA renewal master (host1) noticed its same set of certificates (plus
"Server-Cert cert-pki-ca") needed renewing at 30 Jan 2020 07:28 and
renewed them successfully.
Another replica (host2) noticed that its certificates needed renewing at
30 Jan 2020 07:32 and renewed them successfully.
At 30 Jan 13:37 on host3 the certificates needing to be renewed went
from CA_WORKING back to MONITORING, but 'getcert list' now shows them with:
ca-error: Invalid cookie: u''
and they still haven't renewed.
I haven't seen certmonger attempt to try the renewal again on host3
(nothing from certmonger in /var/log/messages since 30 Jan 13:37).
While I could try a getcert resubmit on host3 to force it to try again,
I'd like to know if what I am seeing is the expected behaviour when a
replica tried to renew certificates before the renewal master.
How long should I have to wait till certmonger on host3 tries again? - I
couldn't find any reference to how often certmonger tries the renewal.
Rob Crittenden's freeipa-healthcheck script is now showing the following
for host3:
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPARAAgent: RA agent description does
not match 2;16;CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM;CN=IPA
RA,O=EXAMPLE.COM in LDAP and 2;7;CN=Certificate
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040924:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040920:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040921:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040922:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040923:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040925:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040927:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180926040926:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs.IPACertRevocation.20180831064406:
Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be
completed: EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
ERROR: ipahealthcheck.dogtag.ca.DogtagCertsConnectivityCheck: Request
for certificate failed, Certificate operation cannot be completed:
EXCEPTION (Invalid Credential.)
Each of host1, host2 and host3 are showing serial number 16 in ldap using:
ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b uid=ipara,ou=people,o=ipaca
At this stage I'm not sure whether this will resolve itself when
certmonger tries to renew certificates again or whether I need to be
more proactive.
I'm happy to supply more logs as necessary.
On 10/1/20 12:42 PM, Auerbach, Steven via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> What is the proper way to change the overall openssl configuration to
> set the ssl_min toTLSv1.2?
You can see your current settings with:
ldapsearch -x -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -W -b 'cn=encryption,cn=config'
In Soviet Russia, Google searches you!
I have been able to force NSSProtocol to TLSv1.2 on the web service of this IPA server in the nss.conf. But I am receiving a Threat Assessment Hit (SecureWorks) that TLSv1.0 is open on port 636/TCP. I attempted to manually edit the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-<domain>/dse.ldif file, but once I made that change it broke the 389Directory and it would not start.
What is the proper way to change the overall openssl configuration to set the ssl_min toTLSv1.2?
Steven Auerbach
Assistant Director of Information Systems
Information Technology & Security
State University System of Florida
Board of Governors
325 W. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
(850) 245-9592
Hi guys,
I have 12 freeipa servers deployed with integrated DNS and CA (realm and domain int.example.com)
I would like to make a DNS round-robin, for instance:
request ldap.int.example.com and forward for one of the servers and also an external domain ldap.example.com
The problem is with the certificate, the TLS handshake fails because there's no alternative name with ldap.int.example.com or ldap.example.com.
I read the redhat documentation about certificate manipulation, but I got very confused in fact how it works.
How can I do that? Are there another recommendation?