Is anyone playing with NFS with ZFS on FreeIPA networks? I am virtualizing my home network infrastructure; To wit:
-CentOS 7 with ZFS and KVM hypervisor as the host, one Windows 2012 R2 guest running ActiveDirectory, the rest of the guests are mostly Fedora 25; 
-FreeIPA -> AD trust is working, and I can sign into a AD Domain user on all clients; 
-I have all my files (Media, HTML files, etc) on the host in a ZFS partition, I tried using the ZFS-native NFS sharing options, but ended up with question mark permissions... So I have exported the root file system with Kerberos authentication and Secure NFS, with crossmnt set in the options, and now my client can mount and view the contents of the ZFS shares... 
-But I have lingering permission issues... Apache can't read anything (Even with 777 permissions set and SELinux set to Permissive), regular users can read, can write, but can't create directories or change permissions (Even on files they own). 

I'm not sure if I should attack the problem from the angle of SELinux being the culprit, or ZFS being the culprit, or some ID mapping issue... But I'm certain that the combination of ZFS, NFS, and FreeIPA is poorly documented... So any experience from the community would be greatly appreciated :p