Dear Alexander,

You're exactly right, failure on my part to understand how the module underneath was parsing keyword arguments (and that the attribute had to be specifically omitted and not just a None value).

Thanks for your help, all working fine now.



Callum Smith
Research Computing Core
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford

On 25 Oct 2018, at 08:38, Alexander Bokovoy <> wrote:

On to, 25 loka 2018, Callum Smith wrote:
Dear Alexander,

The issue is not with the library (it does no validation of syntax) the
error I have provided is verbose directly from the FreeIPA API

It seems the library puts some defaults that aren't accepted by the
FreeIPA API, unlike a client code we provide. Or may be that's your use
of it. More below.

How would you suggest I re-factor this code so that the error is acceptable?

Looking at the definition of 'uidnumber' parameter to user object, we
can see it has minimal value of '1' and it is optional (? at the end of
the name):

          doc=_('User ID Number (system will assign one if not provided)'),

This means that if you wouldn't provide it in your request, it will be
automatically generated.

So a simple approach would be replace explicit addition of named
arguments by a dict and then adding that dict:

opts = {}
if options.uid:
  opts['uidnumber'] = options.uid
opts['gidnumber'] = options.primary_gid
opts['mail'] = options.mail
opts['home_directory'] = options.home_directory
opts['user_password'] = options.password

client.user_add(...., **opts)

(client is initialised and logged in - tested and working with other calls such as user_show etc)

  uidnumber=options.uid if options.uid else -1,
Sorry, this is not an API provided by the FreeIPA project. Please
contact authors of python-freeipa (I think it was created by OpenNode
people) and report them bugs you see there.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland