
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 8:54 PM Seth Malone via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
I am having trouble generating a session key to emulate the client call `ipa vault-retrieve testVault --shared`.

I am currently using python and need to interact with the IPA vault. Is there a library I can import, or an example I can reference, that can walk me through generating a session key? I can issue the `ipa vault-retrieve testVault --shared` and harvest the session_key used in that call I am able to successfully get a response (No need to decode yet, just a test). I am unable to successfully generate a session_key, offer it to the IPA server, and get a successful response.

OS: RHEL 7.7
FreeIPA, version: 4.6.5
API Version: 2.231

I've no experience with it, but there is an api and you can use the api browser on your https://kdc.address/ipa/ui#/p/apibrowser/

Some more info: 


There are methods for vault in the api browser.