Hi all,

We have built a FreeIPA system and used ipa migrate-ds to migrate and are testing the environment however we have a stubbornly persistent issue with gid array from posix commands or when dealing with filesystem ownerships. When I create a user in IPA, then add some groups, the issue is immediately present. In this case these first two below are missing a group ("testers"):

[alvic@HOD28 ~]$ id ipatest

uid=464200021(ipatest) gid=464200021(ipatest) groups=464200021(ipatest),464200000(admins)

And another:

[alvic@NODE-1-1 ~]$ id ipatest

uid=464200021(ipatest) gid=464200021(ipatest) groups=464200021(ipatest),464200000(admins)

More commonly, this is the case where only primary gid is returned, and both groups are missing:

[alvic@NODE-1-2 ~]$ id ipatest

uid=464200021(ipatest) gid=464200021(ipatest) groups=464200021(ipatest)

The client systems were each provisioned like so, and we have also tested and found this issue on a totally up to date new CentOS 7 system:

ipa-client-install -U -q -p [redacted] --domain=redacted.com --server=ipa.redacted.com --fixed-primary --force-join

We have also attempted a full update of the IPA server via yum update and restarted it but the issue is incredibly common. We have also enabled sssd debuglevel 7 and I noted the following line:

(Tue Jun 16 10:01:09 2020) [sssd[be[redacted.com]]] [sdap_save_user] (0x0400): Original memberOf is not available for [ipatest@redacted.com].

Worth noting that groups display fine for a user, without fail, only if using "i
pa user-show"
