Somehow, the admin account is permanently locked
just a simple reproduction
sh-4.2# kinit admin kinit: Client's credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials
sh-4.2# kdestroy -A
sh-4.2# kinit <another admin> Password for <another admin>@bla-bla
sh-4.2# ipa user-unlock admin ------------------------ Unlocked account "admin" ------------------------
sh-4.2# kdestroy -A
sh-4.2# kinit admin Password for admin@bla-bla
sh-4.2# kdestroy -A
sh-4.2# kinit admin kinit: Client's credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials
And this is apparently related to the previous issue which still persists
Nothing suspicious in the logs or i'm looking at wrong logs.
Any ideas please assist, thanks.