
I have almost finished a plugin for FreeIPA, so that admins can have similar functionality found on Postfix Admin.

There is already a good plugin that does a bit of that, but the goal is a bit different. My main goal is not to mix up postfix configuration with groups and hosts, but have separate entities for domain, aliases and virtual domains, in addition to mailboxes.

It was written mostly to allow me to migrate my mailboxes from MySQL to FreeIPA, and I don’t have a huge postfix configuration - I only have multiple domains, mailboxes, aliases and virtual domains, so that’s the functionality I wanted with this plugin.

There are a few things missing before this can go in production («production» here means to actually migrate my mailboxes to FreeIPA), adding a mailbox to ipa users on the gui being the most important one.

I would appreciate any comments and feedbacks regarding this plugin. It wasn’t easy to understand the logic on how to write one, but I got the hang of it (for simple stuff).

