Ranger: https://ranger.apache.org/

Basically, in the Ranger sync properties, the ldap bind settings are set, and it brings in group and user settings. It does that, but just not all of the attributes I'd expect, like employee information or many of the fields in the person object class.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 4:38 PM Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> wrote:
Mike Patterson via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Anyone have success with integrating FreeIPA with Ranger?
> I have them sync-ed and it generally works, but I'm confused by the lack of attributes being shared by FreeIPA concerning Users.
> I'm unclear if FreeIPA isnt sharing attributes (beyond the most basic) via the LDAP protocol or if Ranger is not setup to read/display/use them or both.
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

What is Ranger and how did you configure it against IPA? What attributes
are visible and what isn't?
