I'm trying to use bind9 and the dyndb-ldap plugin with Olpenldap on Debian as a standalone DNS server.  Any configuration where named can successfully find the top of the DNS configuration branch, named crashes.

Per the instructions, I'm posting here first.

Full output is here: bind9 dyndb crash - Pastebin.com

The config is
dyndb myLDAP "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/bind/ldap.so" {
        uri "ldap://localhost:389";
        base "idnsServerId=zed2,dc=mynicehome,dc=home";
        auth_method "simple";
        bind_dn "cn=someUser,dc=mynicehome,dc=home";
        password "somePwd";
        server_id "zed";
        reconnect_interval 10;
        verbose_checks true;
The only other config is to move the listeners off UDP 53

   listen-on port 5353 {;;};
        listen-on-v6 port 5353 {any;};
        max-cache-size 10%;
 A search works.
 ldapsearch -x -b 'cn=dns,dc=mynicehome,dc=home' "(|(objectClass=idnsConfigObject)(&(objectClass=idnsServerConfigObject)(idnsServerId=zed)))"
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=dns,dc=mynicehome,dc=home> with scope subtree
# filter: (|(objectClass=idnsConfigObject)(&(objectClass=idnsServerConfigObject)(idnsServerId=zed)))
# requesting: ALL

# dns, mynicehome.home
dn: cn=dns,dc=mynicehome,dc=home
cn: dns
objectClass: nsContainer
objectClass: top
objectClass: idnsConfigObject

# zed, dns,mynicehome.home
dn: idnsServerId=zed,cn=dns,dc=mynincehome,dc=home
idnsServerId: zed
objectClass: top
objectClass: idnsServerConfigObject

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 2

#Here's the crashed part of the output of named run without forking
## named -4 -g -c /etc/bind/named.conf -u bind

24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 ../../../lib/dns/rbt.c:1466: REQUIRE((__builtin_expect(!!((rbt) != ((void *)0)), 1) && __builtin_expect(!!(((const isc__magic_t *)(rbt))->magic == ((('R') << 24 | ('B') << 16 | ('T') << 8 | ('+')))), 1))) failed, back trace
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #0 0x55c18c058670 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #1 0x7fdf5f96ed8a in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #2 0x7fdf610bc9aa in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #3 0x7fdf610bd223 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #4 0x7fdf5475baab in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #5 0x7fdf5475d080 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #6 0x7fdf5474fa74 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #7 0x7fdf54751712 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #8 0x7fdf5f996ca6 in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #9 0x7fdf5ef155aa in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 #10 0x7fdf5e2c0cbf in ??
24-Mar-2018 07:30:43.786 exiting (due to assertion failure)
Aborted (core dumped)