I'm on ubuntu server 16.04
Freeipa version 4.3.1.

Installation process almost ends perfect, but I get an error:

trying https://ubuntu.ipa.cu
Forwarding ´ ping´ to json server "https://ubuntu.ipa.cu/ipa/json"
Cannot connect to the server due to generic error: Authentication method not supported: sasl mechanism not supported.

Any idea?

On 02/26/2018 10:45 AM, Felipe_G0NZÁLEZ_SANTIAG0 via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Could I get any error by installing freeipa-server on ubuntu server due
> to the lack of a graphical desktop environment ?
> I' ve been trying to install it, but I get several *different* errors.
> So, I can just install it on a non-graphical system and then just use
> the CLI freeipa-tools for administration tasks ?

yes, you should be able to do that.
Could you share the installation logs (/var/log/ipaserver-install.log)?
Which version of IPA are you installing?

> Any idea, suggestion?
> Thanks in advance.
> Phil.
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