
On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 12:03 AM John Burns via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:

Can the actions within the two commands below can be done manually (outside the RPM)?

ipa-crlgen-manage status
ipa-crlgen-manage disable


Context: I inherited an old Centos IPA cluster, centered on VMs. Suboptimal, given that the VM datastore itself is NFS-shared. Bare metal hardware is in place, running RHEL IPA. The "ipa-crlgen-manage" is actually not present on the running ipa-server-4.X) but is on a later version. Yes, I could run "yum update" and restart; but this VM can't go down until 1) offloading the last crucial functions to the bare metal 2) removing it from topology. There is limited opportunity to confirm things don't break after that update.

Thanks for any leads.
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