Alexander Bokovoy asked for a note on the use of Unbound as a slave resolver to freeipa's bind9+dnssec because of the issues discussed under Re: [Freeipa-users] Re: Dnssec rejected by Cloudflair, Google, accepted by Verizon, AT&T 

Summarizing:  Unbound is just a lot faster than bind9+dnssec, additionally offering native support for DANE, DNS over tls and etc.  Older hardware running bind9 can't process DNS + DNSSec queries under the timeout limits used by major public dns resolvers relied upon by thousands, including mail providers.  Unbound can and does.


1.  Work with existing freeipa tools and documentation to get dnssec working properly under bind9, validate it using at least two of the public dnssec diagnostic tools (verisign, etc.).

2. Use global dns performance testing tools to see whether all report good results from several dozen of the world's public dns resolvers.  If they all report 'green' or 'ok', then your servers are 'fast enough' and you don't need this further work (unless you want DANE, dns over tls and the other things unbound offers).

3.  For at least one, and preferably at least as many freeipa master/slaves identify an ip4 (and ip6) address for use by the unbound resolver service.  It's best if they are in the same subnet as at least one of the freeipa machine's interfaces and preferably secured for physical reasons or, second best, encryption.

4.  Load those addresses into the 'Allow Transfer' section of Freeipa's dns domain manager settings window.  Be sure reasonable values exist in every section measured in (seconds).  I also chose to edit /etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf  to 'notify explicit; also-notify { all freeipa and unbound addresses  other than the current host } ;  allow-notify { only freeipa and not unbound addresses; }   You might take the chance to set up acls and make good decisions about rate limiting and allow-* settings.   I found only rebooting freeipa & bind9 caused bind9 to get the updated 'allow transfer' settings from freeipa.  Restarting bind9 alone was not enough.

5. Either in a new network name space on the same host as freeipa or in a vm on that host, or, well, anywhere really except on the same set of addresses as freeipa's named daemon:  Load unbound and prove up it is working under default settings using the addresses reserved above.

6. Create a file in unbound.conf.d for access control.  I suggest leading it off with

   access-control: refuse_non_local
   access-control: ::0/0 refuse_non_local
   access-control: allow_snoop    
   access-control: ::1 allow_snoop

followed by whatever local address ranges you'd like for full dns recursive services, such as your 'lan' or equivalent eg

access-control: 10.something.whatnot.0/24 allow

In an related 'options' file, include 'interface' lines for each host address you want unbound to process incoming queries (your local lan interface as well), and including at least one of the host addresses you entered into freeipa above.  Include 'outgoing-interface' lines the interface on the unbound host that matches at least one of the addresses entered into freeipa.

In another file, or one file per zone, add an 'auth-zone:' section using 'name:' as the zone to support, and 'primary:..." entries for each freeipa server.

7. Restart unbound.  use dig @unbound-serverip to validate proper operation.

8. Change NS records on all servers to be handled by unbound to point to the unbound's interfaces named in the 'interface' lines above.  I chose to have public IPs point at the unbound supported slave resolvers, and left all local lan resolution using freeipa, since there was no security value added by dns over tls & etc owing to the physical site-wire security.  But YMMV.

9.  Revalidate proper DNSSEC validation and worldwide resolver performance/accuracy. 

In my case, 'ancient' servers passed all tests using the unbound frontend with and without dnssec.  They also passed using freeipa's setup without dnssec (nearly always, one in Australia and one in Brazil would occasionally fail).  Freeipa's servers with dnssec passed most of them, but failed google and cloudflare always, occasionally one or two others but passed most.

There are a fair few other options to do with performance and features you can add and manage, well documented by the unbound support folks.

That's it!  Hope that helps others.

Harry Coin