client: el8
ipa server: el7

I created a cert via:
  sudo ipa-getcert request -w -v -D <san1> -D <san2> -K PUPPET/$(hostname -f)\
    -k /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/$(hostname -f).pem\
    -f /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/$(hostname -f).pem

Everything about the cert _appears_ to be fine. Openssl output looks normal and the puppet agent runs fine.

During testing I have radically reduced the certificate validity down to 10 minutes. The output of ipa-getcert list is:

Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 1.
Request ID '20220830202305':
       status: MONITORING
       stuck: no
       key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/'
       certificate: type=FILE,location='/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/'
       CA: IPA
       issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=DOMAIN.COM 20220829230619
       subject:,O=DOMAIN.COM 20220829230619
       issued: 2022-08-30 21:29:11 UTC
       expires: 2022-08-30 21:39:11 UTC
       principal name: host/
       key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
       eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
       pre-save command:  
       post-save command:  
       track: yes
       auto-renew: yes

However, it never actually updates before (or after) expiration. I have tried restarting the service and rebooting. This is happening on two hosts. I see no failures in the log or anything in the log after the last resubmit command. I have manually used rekey and resubmit. Both worked fine. Using a blog post from Fraser, I tried start-tracking with --no-renew, then --renew. I looked for errors. The only thing that seem kind of odd to me is in /var/lib/certmonger/requests/20220830202305: