Affirmative, it is all caps in the logs.

I can re-send the log with the redactions case sensitive if that's helpful.  My apologies for causing confusion via my obfuscation.


On 1/17/18 12:36 PM, Robbie Harwood wrote:
Chris Moody <> writes:

On 1/17/18 8:27 AM, Robbie Harwood wrote:
Chris Moody <> writes:

Thanks for taking a look gents.  Ask and ye shall receive.  :)


===[ CLI output ]==========
root@sfca-do-1:~# ipa-client-install -p admin --mkhomedir
Discovery was successful!
Client hostname:
Are you redacting this?  Because that "xyz" shouldn't be lowercased.
Realm names are all-caps (because some implementations are
case-sensitive and others are not).
Yes - I am redacting just the 2nd level domain name portion from any logs.
Can you confirm that it's all-caps in the actual logs?
