I've got a DNS entry that really isn't there.

# nslookup sys001
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
# ipa dnsrecord-find my.net sys001 --all --raw
  dn: idnsname=sys001+nsuniqueid=7523898c-b29311e8-85ddf5f7-bbec4d04,idnsname=my.net.,cn=dns,dc=my,dc=net
  idnsname: sys001
  objectClass: top
  objectClass: idnsrecord
# ldapdelete -D "cn=DirectoryManager" -W -p 389 -h ipa.my.net -x uid=nsuniqueid=

That last command just goes off into the weeds and never returns. I picked it up from this article: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/10/html/administration_guide/managing_replication-solving_common_replication_conflicts but the format seems a bit different so I'm concerned that I'm not getting the delete command right.

How can I get rid of this entry-that's-not-an-entry? We'd like to reuse this IP but can't.

Bret Wortman
Founder, Damascus Products, LLC

855-644-2783 | bret@wrapbuddies.co


10332 Main St Suite 319 Fairfax, VA 22030