Hello Everybody,

Localization of software plays an important part in software development life-cycle.
To ensure the maximum correctness and quality of localization. We are proposing an idea named Screenshot Comparison Method in which there is a visual comparison of screenshots of source language and target language is done and a test plan is prepared. Depending upon the test plan modification is done.
The above proposal is tested manually on Mozilla Firefox 20.0 in English and Hindi locale. The same can be created for other software in different locale.
I am also proposing a gui mock-up for the same. <3>
<1>Screenshot comparison method in pdf <https://github.com/chandan47kumar/Screenshot-Comparison-method-proposal/blob/master/docs/mozillafirefoxl10naproposal.pdf>

<2>Screenshot comparison method in odt format<https://github.com/chandan47kumar/Screenshot-Comparison-method-proposal/blob/master/docs/mozillafirefoxl10nqaproposal.odt>

<3>Gui mockup for screenshot comparison method <https://github.com/chandan47kumar/Screenshot-Comparison-method-proposal/blob/master/docs/mozillascreenshot1.png>

Please read the above docs and comment on the proposal in order to improve it and to make software localization testing easy.

With Best Wishes,
Chandan Kumar
Final Year, Computer Science and Engineering
Dr.B.C.Roy Engineering College, Durgapur