 It does work for a single node. That being said I guess I'll look at other products.  Are you paying for Puppet?

On 3/28/2014 7:09 AM, Andrew Rankin wrote:
I've also moved away from FUNC, ended up in the Puppet/Mcollective camp and haven't looked back.

On David's actual question - it looks like it's not able to communicate with all or some of the client nodes and is hanging waiting for a response - does it work for a single node? 


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Greg Swift <gregswift@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 3:48 PM, Scott Dowdle <dowdle@montanalinux.org> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
> hi,
>   On my master func server I attempt to send one command to multiple
> server, but it doesn't not execute.  For example:
> func "*domain.edu" call command run "cat /etc/redhat-release"
> or
> func "*" call command run "cat /etc/redhat-release"

I think for all practical purposes func is defunct.  The main developer left some time ago... and other products have basically picked up the ball and run further with it.

What products?  Ansible and SaltStack.

I don't have advanced needs so what I do is use tmux, split the screen into multiple panes... and then turn on/off pane synchronization as needed... to ssh to multiple machines and run the same commands interactively.  If in a GUI environment, terminator is very similar.

I'd love to hear func is still alive but I have to ask why?  All of the others just work over ssh and can be completely clientless (other than ssh).

Scott Dowdle

As much as i love and miss func, I agree with Scott, you might as well evaluate one of the other two. Personally I recommend Ansible since it was written by the author of func.  IIRC correctly Salt does use the same syntax for orchestration as func, since they based it off func.


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