Hey guys,
I apologize for being a bit out of the loop over the past few weeks, but I wanted to drop in with a bang with my first func-related RFC.  I've spent a fair bit of time recently thinking about where next to take Func, as development has stalled, but it has a wide array of users, almost all of whom have experience in hacking it into submission.

If there's anything that I've learned about systems management software in my experience, hacking like this is in its very nature, and the more of it that happens in the upstream community, the more capable the tool ends up becoming.  As the project's new maintainer, my first goal is to get these sorts of commits going again, to start a flow of project improvements that fundamentally round out in a better tool for all of us.  Towards this end, it occurs to me that it's pretty damn hard to contribute to Func, as e-mail patch submission is a bit awkward and not very conducive to the sorts of technical discussions we should be having when new code is presented.

Thus, for my first move, I'm thinking about moving Func to github, as that pull request feature of theirs makes upstream interaction a fair bit simpler and allows us to conduct code reviews, which will help us keep the code tight going out.  My second thought is that it's about time we brought you guys into the fold as committers if you've spent serious time improving Func, so if you've submitted several substantial patches/pull requests, you will gain commit access.

Finally, to get project development going, I've found that setting a roadmap with goals helps drive development, so here's a rough draft of what I'm thinking about feature-wise for Func 0.30, alongside their respective priorities (0==highest):

0 - Improve client-side daemon stability
0 - Prevent forks from listening on :51234
1 - Improve forking system, prevent zombie fork processes
1 - Make certmaster daemon more stable, and fix bug which causes it to issue malformed certs
2 - Improve delegation parallelism

If you have any ideas for the roadmap, and/or would be interested in taking ownership in something, let me know, as open discussions like this will drive Func going forward, and I can promise beer and committer status :)

Thanks much for the read, let me know what you think about all this, and have a great weekend!
Steve Salevan