2009/9/29 Alexey Torkhov <atorkhov@gmail.com>

On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 23:55 +0200, Guido Grazioli wrote:
> is anyone working on packaging dungeonhack?
> http://dungeonhack.sourceforge.net

Cool! Another OGRE game! :) Do they have properly licensed media/assets
(models, textures, sounds, etc)?

They state in the website that code is GPLv3 and they accept only content
that is "copylefted: under GPL, LGPL or CC". Have to test if that's true yet.
Details here: http://dungeonhack.sourceforge.net/DungeonHack:Copyrights
> Other missing dependencies are:
> - paged geometry
> http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/PagedGeometry_Engine

Good that they are using unpatched version. I'm maintaining some ogre
stuff that uses bundled paged geometry library and perhaps can package

If you want you cant start from here:
Please note that dungeonhack folks ask to install a specific svn revision,
so i targeted that one. Not sure about that.

> - OIS 1.2.0 (currently OIS 1.0 is available)
> More details here:
> http://dungeonhack.sourceforge.net/Build_Instructions#Building_DungeonHack_on_Linux

Oh, seems it needs to have some care. I can help, if nobody other
willing to co-maintain it.

Yep it's in the very early stages, but looks really promising...


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Guido Grazioli <guido.grazioli@gmail.com>
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