Bug ID: 835376
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: rawhide
Priority: unspecified
CC: i18n-bugs(a), jni(a),
me(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
Assignee: jni(a)
Summary: Request to add legend support feature for ibus-table
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: pwu(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-table
Product: Fedora
Description of problem:
Currently wubi ime in ibus-table doesn't support legend feature.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Try to input a single character by using ibus-table wubi ime;
Actual results:
Only one character is inputted;
Expected results:
Besides inputting one character, some possible following characters should be
listed in the candidate list to speed up user inputting.
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Summary: Separate Japanese font configuration files for ghostscript
Summary: Separate Japanese font configuration files for
Product: Fedora
Version: 11
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: japanese-bitmap-fonts
AssignedTo: tagoh(a)
ReportedBy: t.matsuu(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), fedora-i18n-bugs(a)
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Classification: Fedora
I'm not sure which component should be assigned for this bug. So I initially
assign this bug to japanese-bitmap-fonts because the files for discussion is
now owned by japanese-bitmap-fonts package.
Description of problem:
are owned by japanese-bitmap-fonts. But they never use fonts which are bundled
in japanese-bitmap-fonts.
Moreover, fonts which are set in the config files are dispersed among some
So we need to separate ghostscript contig files from japanese-bitmap-fonts and
they should be provided by another package (or included in ghostscript or
ghostscript-fonts package).
I suggest the following idea.
1. Universal
/usr/share/ghostscript/conf.d/{CIDFnmap.ja,FAPIcidfmap.ja,cidfmap.ja} is owned
by new (eg. ghostscript-fonts-japanese), ghostscript, or ghostscript-fonts
2. Each Japanese fonts have their own CIDFnmap.ja, FAPIcidfmap.ja, and
cidfmap.ja files i their common package.
Discussion required:
* fonts priority
* file owner for ghostscript config files
* package structure of IPA fonts are not ready for generate common subpackage
now (bug 507261)
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Summary: Password is visible on gnome-terminal with English-typing-booster enabled
Summary: Password is visible on gnome-terminal with
English-typing-booster enabled
Product: Fedora
Version: 17
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: ibus-european-table
AssignedTo: apatil(a)
ReportedBy: apeter(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a), apatil(a)
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Type: ---
Regression: ---
Mount Type: ---
Documentation: ---
Created attachment 570253
Password being displayed on terminal
Description of problem:
With English-typing-booster enabled on gnome-terminal, while using su- command,
password appears in the text.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Enable English-typing-booster
2. Go to terminal
3. Try to become root with su-
4. Type your password
Actual results:
Perform above steps, you can see the password is shown on the screen.
Expected results:
Password must not be shown.
Additional info:
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Bug ID: 825115
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: 16
Priority: unspecified
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
i18n-bugs(a), psatpute(a)
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Summary: [kn_IN] Lohit Kannada glyphs of consonants with vowel
signs -II, -EE, -OO and -AI should be optimized
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: samjnaa(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: lohit-kannada-fonts
Product: Fedora
Description of problem:
Currently the Lohit Kannada fonts unnecessarily contain separate glyphs for
consonants with vowel signs -II, -EE, -OO and -AI. These are merely sequences
of other glyphs.
In the case of -II, -EE, -OO the glyphs are the same as those of the
corresponding short vowels plus a separate glyph 0CD5 Kannada Length Mark ೕ
(unlike in Telugu where the length mark ligates with the syllable). Therefore
instead of doing substitutions of:
the optimized way would be to do:
If this is done, any changes that are reflected on the
CONSONANT_VOWELSIGN_I/E/O glyphs would automatically reflect for the long
vowels as well without additional work being needed. For instance, see my
recent report of bug 825104. If that bug is fixed for short vowels I, E and O,
automatically it would reflect for II, EE and OO also.
As for -AI, it is merely sequence of glyph for -E plus 0CD6 Kannada AI Length
Mark ೖ. So instead of doing substitutions of:
the optimized way would be to do:
with same benefits as above.
Further, when handling combinations of:
by separating the length mark as recommended here, the sub-base form of
CONSONANT2 can be placed closer to the base CONSONANT1 which is also
typographically a desirable factor in a good font. The rules would be:
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Examine the internals of Lohit Kannada font.
Actual results:
Currently there are separate glyphs for consonants with vowel signs -II, -EE,
-OO and -AI unnecessarily. These are merely sequences of other glyphs.
Therefore any change effected on the component glyphs has to be re-done here.
Expected results:
The superfluous glyphs should be removed and the appropriate effect should be
achieved by appropriate smartfont rules as indicated above.
Additional info:
This would also reduce the size of the font. Not an issue on laptops/desktops
but nowadays Lohit fonts are finding their way into smaller screens such as
smartphones, and it would be good to have a trim font with small footprint.
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Serbian glyphs for Wikipedia
Summary: Serbian glyphs for Wikipedia
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: liberation-fonts
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: petersen(a),
psatpute(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
Hy, at the Serbian Wikipedia we are planning on supporting localized Serbian
glyphs (as opposed to standard/Russian ones) on screen by taking advantage of
the next generation of browser (like Firefox 4) compliant with OpenType
What we lack is a pool of free OpenType fonts with Serbian glyphs to be
accessed through the locl feature. DejaVu is, as far as I know, the only free
font which does so (although with some bugs) but, particularly the Serif
version, can be described as ugly at best.
So, what about a new release of Liberation Fonts containing a locl table for
Thank you.
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Summary: Need additional runtime detecting in ibus.conf for Kimpanel
Summary: Need additional runtime detecting in ibus.conf for
Product: Fedora
Version: 13
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: ibus
AssignedTo: phuang(a)
ReportedBy: cheeseli(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: phuang(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Classification: Fedora
Created an attachment (id=407608)
--> (
Additional runtime detecting in ibus.conf for Kimpanel
Have Kimpanel be the default IBus frontend IF AND ONLY IF the user is running
KDE and Kimpanel is installed.
The attachment is a patch for this purpose.
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Summary: fonts.alias refer to encodings not listed in fonts.dir
Summary: fonts.alias refer to encodings not listed in fonts.dir
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: sazanami-fonts
AssignedTo: tagoh(a)
ReportedBy: viy(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), fonts-bugs(a),
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Type: ---
fonts.alias files refer to jisx020*.19??-0 font encodings while fonts.dir does
not list them.
looks like a fonts.scale/fonts.dir generation bug.
encodings should be present during fonts.scale/fonts.dir generation.
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Bug ID: 825081
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: 16
Priority: unspecified
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
i18n-bugs(a), psatpute(a)
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Summary: Lohit Kannada font does not properly handle vowel
signs in consonant clusters
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: samjnaa(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: lohit-kannada-fonts
Product: Fedora
Created attachment 586752
ODT and PDF for test-case
Description of problem:
This seems to be a resurfacing of bug #223971 but since I saw no way to reopen
that bug (sorry if I'm wrong) I'm reporting this again.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
In a word processor, select Lohit Kannada font and input Kannada Unicode
sequences having consonant clusters of the format CCV. I have attached a sample
Actual results:
Except in a few cases of "popular" consonant clusters like K.SSA ಕ್ಷ and J.NYA
ಜ್ಞ, the vowel signs are not attached properly.
When the same text is rendered with other fonts (like Tunga of Microsoft even
loaded into Linux's LibreOffice) the sequences are shown properly without
overlaps or malformed glyphs.
Expected results:
The Kannada language uses lots of Sanskrit-based words and hence has many
consonant clusters with two and even three consonants. Also, when English words
are transliterated in Kannada script like ಎಕ್ಸ್ಪ್ಲೋರ್ (explore) etc for
sign-boards etc, even more consonant clusters will occur. In all these cases
Lohit Kannada should be able to gracefully handle such consonant clusters and
not output overlapping or malformed glyphs.
Additional info:
I have attached an ODT and PDF file demonstrating the problem.
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Bug ID: 827516
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: 16
Priority: unspecified
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
i18n-bugs(a), psatpute(a)
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Summary: [kn_IN] Vowel Signs U and UU do not correctly attach
to many consonants in Lohit Kannada
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: samjnaa(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: lohit-kannada-fonts
Product: Fedora
Created attachment 588536
ODT and PDF for test-case
Description of problem:
While most other CONSONANT + VOWEL SIGN combinations in Lohit Kannada are
mapped to precomposed glyphs, there are no pre-composed glyphs for vowel signs
U and UU except for the consonants PA, PHA and VA (where the stroke for U/UU
needs to come from below the consonant rather than the normal right side of the
While in most cases, by virtue of appropriate RSB and LSB values of the
consonant glyph and vowel sign glyph, the simple sequence of the two glyphs
creates an appropriate appearance, this leaves out several instances where the
glyphs do not overlap at all and hence appear disjointed. For a professional
appearance of the font, this should be fixed.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Input all possible sequences of Kannada consonants with vowel signs U and UU.
(See attached ODT for text. Use BabelMap
[] if you want the
Actual results:
You can see (as in the attached PDF) that some consonants do not properly get
attached to the vowel signs U and UU.
Expected results:
All consonants should properly get attached to the vowel signs U and UU.
Additional info:
Consonants which are not properly joined with vowel sign U:
* = see at high magnification
** = may need separate precomposed glyph with some adjustment to shape of left
side of vowel sign
*** = so-called FA of Kannada Unicode
Consonants which are not properly joined with vowel sign UU:
Those already listed above for U, plus GHA and LLA, due to the shorter height
of the left-side ending node of this vowel sign.
I think in most cases appropriate kerning should solve the problem, except for
SSA + -U/-UU, GHA + -UU and LLA + -UU where separate glyphs would be advisable.
It is curious to note that DDA DA and BA are all disjointed whereas their
aspirated counterparts DDHA DHA and BHA which all have only an additional
notch-like stroke at the bottom are correctly joined with the vowel sign. I
think the LSB RSB values are carelessly allotted in some cases, unfortunately.
Other problems:
CU JU -- the pointed part on the left of the vowel sign U passes through the
consonants and comes out above (see carefully) -- actually *negative* kerning
is needed here so that the pointed part should only enter the consonant and not
again exit it.
(It seems this problem does not occur for vowel sign UU due to the shorter
height of the left-side ending node of this vowel sign which causes a problem
with GHA and LLA instead -- see above!)
Unfortunately I will not be able to provide a TTF patch for this as I am
already short of time on my official projects. Please take care of it. Thank
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Summary: [abrt] WritRecogn-0.1.9-1.fc11: raise: Process /usr/bin/WritRecogn was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Summary: [abrt] WritRecogn-0.1.9-1.fc11: raise: Process
/usr/bin/WritRecogn was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Product: Fedora
Version: 13
Platform: i686
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Status Whiteboard: abrt_hash:caf37a5446d0db49e10a286017b489bb0ae4f38b
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: WritRecogn
AssignedTo: dchen(a)
ReportedBy: martin(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: petersen(a), dchen(a),
Classification: Fedora
abrt version: 1.1.13
architecture: i686
Attached file: backtrace
cmdline: WritRecogn
component: WritRecogn
crash_function: raise
executable: /usr/bin/WritRecogn
package: WritRecogn-0.1.9-1.fc11
rating: 4
reason: Process /usr/bin/WritRecogn was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
release: Fedora release 13 (Goddard)
time: 1288965718
uid: 500
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